Read the blog Ideas for sharing the LDS Mormon Gospel Online to see creative ideas for Latter-day Saints to use in sharing the gospel.
Here are a few of the ideas:
- Read the Deseret News article “Entering the world of LDS blogging.”
- Try Helping in the Vineyard
- Post your favorite scripture.
- Write a review about a TV show or movie that is not appropriate and post it on Netflix, Amazon Instant Video
,, or and in your review suggest something else to watch that is more uplifting.
- Ask a question on your Facebook page about your calling. Your member friends will be sure to comment and your nonmember friends will learn more about the Church. (The more comments you get the longer your post will stay in people’s newsfeeds.) Add a link to what your calling is about or what you will be teaching. This is a non-preachy way to share the gospel with your friends.
- Find your local church on Google maps and write a positive review. Include meeting times, what to expect, what to wear, and details about Primary, nursery, YM/YW, Relief Society, or Priesthood. Also talk about why mutual is a good youth group for any faith-based family. Once you have written about your building, post a review about another ward you have visited. The more reviews the better.
- Improve the ranking of the Kindle version of the Book of Mormon
. The more people that download it, the higher it appears on the sales charts and the more people will see it. It’s free to purchase, so do it.
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