I wrote the main body of this post nearly three months ago, after I watched Frozen with most of my grandchildren. Since then, I've had a few discussions with friends and family about the movie prior to deciding to publish it, with little support for my findings. That, and watching Frozen receive more and more accolades including many from trusted resources and observing the ongoing rise in the movie's popularity without significant challenge.
And finally, this, from the LDS community, the last straw, watched over 10 million times since it was posted on YouTube, February 13th.
Video: Alex Boyé - Frozen - Let it Go
If you are seriously clueless as to what I'm talking about then it is imperative, particularly for morally minded parents, that you read this post and open your eyes to the homosexual agenda and the principles advanced to promote it that undergird Frozen, which is why it was written for Broadway and will indubitably be a hit - mark my words!
Have you seen the video with four-year-old twins singing "Let It Go"- near perfect? With the help of media outlets such as The Huffington Post (not clueless) and KSL.com (hopefully clueless), mainstream media is helping to advocate Frozen's message by jumping on the popularity bandwagon. While most watching this video likely found it adorable I shed tears.
Video: An Innocent Child Sings "Let it Go"
In the making of Disney's movie Frozen it is apparent that the very best talent within the industry was called upon for every facet of producing and bringing it to the big screen: illustrators; animators; writers; composers; singing artist; actors; etc., in order to woo its intended audience, parents, into a frozen-state, which would then allow liberalism to indoctrinate children.
The fact is that not one of us would allow a person, contrary to our values, to come into our homes and teach our family many of the principles advocated in the movie Frozen such as rebellion/disobedience as good. Yet when the same element cunningly creates a medium within to share the same doctrine, which intensely overwhelms the senses, we are blinded and rather than put on glasses we allow ourselves to be mesmerized by the overall experience focusing only on the good that we see, or perceive, highlighted for our viewing pleasure.
However, as light and dark or fear and faith cannot exist in the same space, good and evil do here in mortality. Therefore, we must be wise - especially parents. When good is used to advance evil we must reject it and state why if we desire to be light.
When mainstream society comes to the point where it celebrates that which is contrary to the commandments, taught in a movie presumably made for children, by awarding it the highest accolades within its culture and good parents don't perceive it but rather endorse it unwittingly we are in serious trouble. And you can bet that those we have to thank are laughing themselves all the way to the bank while mocking the religious ignorant.
Entertainment, with all of its mediums, has more power than just about anything else to effectively indoctrinate and influence society negatively and among the most vulnerable of its victims are children. I'd prefer children play online games rather than watching this movie.
To Christian parents, who don't support the legalization of SSM, or the normalization of same-sex sexual behavior oppositional to God, I feel strongly that we must become more aware of how liberal media advocate these messages. It is often accomplished through infiltrating mainstream channels with the specific attitudes and ideologies necessary to advance these practices as progressive within mainstream society.
If good parents fail to accept that progressivism is strongly behind the entertainment industry then we risk being, unknowingly, undermined as parents. Coupled with the power of media and social media to advance much of what is contrary to Christian values, by brilliantly marketing their message as popular, inviting our aid as Christians, we also fail society.
If you feel you've been duped by the surface story of the movie Frozen try not to feel too bad. The way in which Frozen wraps up the false doctrine perpetuated throughout the film is as skillfully done as I have ever seen it, which makes calling it out and not being labeled crazy difficult. Nevertheless, after months of vacillating over whether I wanted to share my thoughts broadly, with a bit of encouragement from only one friend, I've finally decided to just do it regardless of the high approval ratings for the movie, which most are insistent to retain.

Ironically, I've seen Frozen three times. Not because I necessarily wanted to but because I had three sets of grandchildren who I committed to take to see the movie when it initially came out. And as it worked out it was at different times and places. I won't deny, either, that I enjoyed watching the movie every single time for a number of reasons. It actually gave me a good opportunity to confirm my initial reaction and in so doing I could blatantly see that the homosexual agenda to normalize the practice was not simply an underlying message in the movie Frozen but is the actual story.
The process of normalizing homosexual behavior in society is going to require more than the liberal media saying it is so (which they do all the time) or activist judges legalizing same-sex marriage in one state after another. It's going to require the indoctrination of our children in order to lead their generation to the next, necessary, level of mainstream social acceptance.
Remember, that in today's liberal society allowing almost anything, even legalizing it, in the name of "love" trumps sin - it's that powerful of an ideology. And that my friends is exactly what Disney is selling your children while you unknowingly standby and watch.
I know what some think, because I questioned myself initially and I've heard it multiple times when even lightly expressing my feelings about the movie with others. You think that I've read way too much into it because I'm sensitive to homosexual issues or perhaps a bit paranoid. I get that seeing as I've written about homosexuality, same-sex marriage and preserving traditional marriage frequently here on WBMW.
But stay with me... If you've seen the movie you should be able to recognize what I'm talking about and hopefully begin to make the connection and perhaps see others I don't go into here.
It was during the first time I watched Frozen that the plot/subplot burst out at me and right through what most everyone else was mesmerized by (music, animation, etc.), and actually stunned me, causing me to question the impression, and try to move past it. But, what I clearly came to realize, was that I was watching a completely different movie than what was visually dancing across the screen in all of its made-for-the-stage splendor. It was surreal. I knew this, immediately. It was like being in two places, experiencing two vastly different movies, that were visually identical. When I left the theater that evening, I was quiet with my response, knowing that if I shared my experience it would immediately be minimized.
I felt confident in that moment, as I still do, and you can mark my words: when Frozen goes to Broadway it will break records and be among the biggest hits of all time!
I have no problem with those who find the homosexual messaging good, or important for society, from their perspective. However, I'm not okay that too many parents, who would not normally support the normalization of homosexual behavior, seem to be completely blind to its advocacy throughout a children's movie, and are in fact gushing over Frozen. I just don't believe that with full disclosure they would feel to continue. And yet, I also acknowledge the beauty, used in every facet of the movie, which has captivated, or rather frozen audiences, everywhere.
Sidebar: Let me be very clear about one thing, I am not anti-gay nor am I here to judge homosexuals not worthy of their rightful and respectful place among society. However, I draw the line at the idea of redefining traditional marriage to include homosexual relationships, as equal. Meaning, that as a Christian, I believe that acting on same-sex attraction is contrary to God's will, and therefore SSM should not be legalized. Because I hold this value and voice it freely, does not mean that I am trying to force it on anyone - anymore than those who feel opposite and advocate for their position intend to force SSM on me, personally - both have the right [to freely advocate an oppositional position] and should not be demonized, regardless of where society takes us, as a whole.
With that said, here is a brief summary of only 'some' of the gay messaging found in the movie Frozen, intended to advocate the homosexual agenda to legalize same-sex marriage and normalize the practice:
Elsa has a great power that she has been taught by her parents from the time she was a child, is not publicly acceptable and that she must fear its expression, at all cost, thus hide it from people, even her own sister who could be hurt by it - even killed. Shame is at the core of Elsa's feelings about her magical powers: same-sex attraction.
As Elsa’s power increases, her parents’ urge her to learn how to control it, as it would be perceived as evil to others, but Elsa can't; it's impossible. Her parents' make the decision to close the castle to the public, and lock Elsa in her room so that her power won’t be discovered. Not even her sister is allowed to see and play with Elsa: demonetization of homosexuals by society.
But stay with me... If you've seen the movie you should be able to recognize what I'm talking about and hopefully begin to make the connection and perhaps see others I don't go into here.
It was during the first time I watched Frozen that the plot/subplot burst out at me and right through what most everyone else was mesmerized by (music, animation, etc.), and actually stunned me, causing me to question the impression, and try to move past it. But, what I clearly came to realize, was that I was watching a completely different movie than what was visually dancing across the screen in all of its made-for-the-stage splendor. It was surreal. I knew this, immediately. It was like being in two places, experiencing two vastly different movies, that were visually identical. When I left the theater that evening, I was quiet with my response, knowing that if I shared my experience it would immediately be minimized.
I felt confident in that moment, as I still do, and you can mark my words: when Frozen goes to Broadway it will break records and be among the biggest hits of all time!
I have no problem with those who find the homosexual messaging good, or important for society, from their perspective. However, I'm not okay that too many parents, who would not normally support the normalization of homosexual behavior, seem to be completely blind to its advocacy throughout a children's movie, and are in fact gushing over Frozen. I just don't believe that with full disclosure they would feel to continue. And yet, I also acknowledge the beauty, used in every facet of the movie, which has captivated, or rather frozen audiences, everywhere.
Sidebar: Let me be very clear about one thing, I am not anti-gay nor am I here to judge homosexuals not worthy of their rightful and respectful place among society. However, I draw the line at the idea of redefining traditional marriage to include homosexual relationships, as equal. Meaning, that as a Christian, I believe that acting on same-sex attraction is contrary to God's will, and therefore SSM should not be legalized. Because I hold this value and voice it freely, does not mean that I am trying to force it on anyone - anymore than those who feel opposite and advocate for their position intend to force SSM on me, personally - both have the right [to freely advocate an oppositional position] and should not be demonized, regardless of where society takes us, as a whole.
With that said, here is a brief summary of only 'some' of the gay messaging found in the movie Frozen, intended to advocate the homosexual agenda to legalize same-sex marriage and normalize the practice:
Elsa has a great power that she has been taught by her parents from the time she was a child, is not publicly acceptable and that she must fear its expression, at all cost, thus hide it from people, even her own sister who could be hurt by it - even killed. Shame is at the core of Elsa's feelings about her magical powers: same-sex attraction.
As Elsa’s power increases, her parents’ urge her to learn how to control it, as it would be perceived as evil to others, but Elsa can't; it's impossible. Her parents' make the decision to close the castle to the public, and lock Elsa in her room so that her power won’t be discovered. Not even her sister is allowed to see and play with Elsa: demonetization of homosexuals by society.
The parents are killed in an accident while traveling abroad (expendable and best out of the way for progression - represent authority), which means that Elsa must take her rightful position among her people, as queen. (Right to be queen: make what you want out of this one.) To do so, she faces great fear in going out publicly for her coronation, worrying that her powers might show because she has no control over them: rejects the ability of those with same-gender attraction to control behavior.
The gates are opened - Elsa is terrified that people will see through her and that her power will show itself, regardless of what she has done to hide it. (Stay in the closet.) Anna, on the other hand, burst through the gate and experiences joy in being out in the open and meets someone whom she immediately falls in love with: heterosexuals are free to pursue happiness, without restriction. Insinuating that heterosexuals don't value marriage in the way those who work at preserving traditional marriage say that they do. No-fault divorce, as one example, is seen as evidence of this lack of care.
After only a brief interaction, Anna and Hans decide to marry. Elsa is freaked out that her sister wants to marry someone she only just met: heterosexuals diminish marriage, freely given to them without judgment of any kind - SSM can't do any more harm.
In her anger at her sister's irresponsible behavior, Elsa orders the gates shut, again, and her sister's new fiancé to leave and not return. Anna, is totally confused and begins to oppose Elsa, who becomes even angrier and sees that she is loosing control of her power. Feeling the need to run and hide, Anna, while trying to discuss the matter with her sister, becomes the cause of Elsa's power being exposed, in front of everyone. In shame, she runs away to hide.
Now, this is a significant turn-around-message, because the gay movement consider themselves victims, enslaved by the judgments of religious pro-heterosexual marriage advocates who keep them from what they want and which they believe demonize the gay lifestyle. So, in essence, they consider themselves "frozen,” not able to live their lives out-loud, and freely, however they choose in mainstream society - no moral absolutes.
As expected, the town's people fear Elsa's misunderstood power, and her, and some begin to call her dangerous/evil and want to do away with her. Sister disagrees she is dangerous and sets off to find Elsa, who has gone up into the mountains leaving behind utter destruction in the town, which she's not aware that her power, hidden, has caused.
Elsa, away from those who witnessed her power, afraid and thinking her evil, is relieved to finally stop the charade and be in a place where she can finally be herself. While away, and alone, she blossoms physically and creatively, and emotionally is happy to be free. She is now able to openly use her power to create new surroundings, which are beyond what she realized her powers could accomplish - and it is stunningly beautiful! She never wants to go back to that prison and thinks that living a life in isolation, with freedom to be whom she is, is best for her and everyone. In this way, 'she' won't hurt anyone.
She is found by her sister, but rejects her - even hurts her and orders her away! Anna tells her that she is affecting everyone even though she left and has no intention of going back. Townspeople who sought her out to do away with the evil find her, she resorts to acting out of fear, and her powers come out again, more negatively. Elsa responds by using her powers to hurt those she says she doesn't want to hurt. She is totally confused and again frightened that she can't control the extent of how her power expresses itself.
More distorted messaging, by making society, or those considered homophobic/bigots the cause of the homosexual's "frozen" state. Because gays have no control over their same-sex preference, to expect moral behavior is unloving, cruel and ignorant, because what you’re asking is impossible. Being the victims of such abuse, they are forced to seek refuge in loneliness, in order to be who they are. It goes further though, in suggesting that society is hurt when homosexuality is not embraced suggesting further that such resistance is an inability, or unwillingness to love others. Bigotry. Conservative society is the block to homosexual freedom within society.
For me, this is probably one of the most disturbing messages of the movie, Frozen, and of course, the bottom line in the twisted marketing to normalize homosexual behavior and legitimize same-sex marriage in society: the opposition to it is the problem - you.
In her anger at her sister's irresponsible behavior, Elsa orders the gates shut, again, and her sister's new fiancé to leave and not return. Anna, is totally confused and begins to oppose Elsa, who becomes even angrier and sees that she is loosing control of her power. Feeling the need to run and hide, Anna, while trying to discuss the matter with her sister, becomes the cause of Elsa's power being exposed, in front of everyone. In shame, she runs away to hide.
Now, this is a significant turn-around-message, because the gay movement consider themselves victims, enslaved by the judgments of religious pro-heterosexual marriage advocates who keep them from what they want and which they believe demonize the gay lifestyle. So, in essence, they consider themselves "frozen,” not able to live their lives out-loud, and freely, however they choose in mainstream society - no moral absolutes.
As expected, the town's people fear Elsa's misunderstood power, and her, and some begin to call her dangerous/evil and want to do away with her. Sister disagrees she is dangerous and sets off to find Elsa, who has gone up into the mountains leaving behind utter destruction in the town, which she's not aware that her power, hidden, has caused.
Elsa, away from those who witnessed her power, afraid and thinking her evil, is relieved to finally stop the charade and be in a place where she can finally be herself. While away, and alone, she blossoms physically and creatively, and emotionally is happy to be free. She is now able to openly use her power to create new surroundings, which are beyond what she realized her powers could accomplish - and it is stunningly beautiful! She never wants to go back to that prison and thinks that living a life in isolation, with freedom to be whom she is, is best for her and everyone. In this way, 'she' won't hurt anyone.
She is found by her sister, but rejects her - even hurts her and orders her away! Anna tells her that she is affecting everyone even though she left and has no intention of going back. Townspeople who sought her out to do away with the evil find her, she resorts to acting out of fear, and her powers come out again, more negatively. Elsa responds by using her powers to hurt those she says she doesn't want to hurt. She is totally confused and again frightened that she can't control the extent of how her power expresses itself.
More distorted messaging, by making society, or those considered homophobic/bigots the cause of the homosexual's "frozen" state. Because gays have no control over their same-sex preference, to expect moral behavior is unloving, cruel and ignorant, because what you’re asking is impossible. Being the victims of such abuse, they are forced to seek refuge in loneliness, in order to be who they are. It goes further though, in suggesting that society is hurt when homosexuality is not embraced suggesting further that such resistance is an inability, or unwillingness to love others. Bigotry. Conservative society is the block to homosexual freedom within society.
As the movie comes to a close, love, becomes the healing factor and without false judgment, ignorance and fear, by society, having been made to see themselves as Elsa's problem (and not Elsa), she is now able to suddenly control the negative use of her power. In fact, she is actually able to now use it to benefit society - the power of unconditional love.
For me, this is probably one of the most disturbing messages of the movie, Frozen, and of course, the bottom line in the twisted marketing to normalize homosexual behavior and legitimize same-sex marriage in society: the opposition to it is the problem - you.
Love, or romance, is at the heart of the quest for the legalization of SSM, as a human-right. Period. The equality argument is that those who oppose SSM are saying that homosexuals can't equally love, as heterosexuals, or that their love is less than what two heterosexuals feel for each other and thus legalize through "marriage.” For society to continue to bar gays from being married is to say that they are not capable of loving another person, in the same way as two heterosexuals. This narrow campaign is intended to completely disregard the exponential effects of children denied their natural birthright to have both a mother and a father. And when questioned about it, retort by claiming it more evidence of said discrimination, a.k.a, bigotry, hate, intolerance, etc.
This is the simplistic, and selfish, basis for marriage being deemed an equal right, which marriage only between a man and a woman implies by its exclusivity. And the reasons: ignorance, homophobia and discrimination in the same vein as the civil rights argument.
There is so much more that is easily drawn out of the movie Frozen, which illustrates the liberal advocacy to normalize homosexuality in society, by making society the problem and not the moral wrong that homosexual behavior/lifestyle, in fact, is.
For those who would say that if you look for something hard enough you can find it, in just about anything, so be it. For those who saw a completely different, uplifting message in Frozen, that's great. Or any other positive and uplifting message you found to focus on in Frozen, which caused you to miss what the movie was really about, that's good. I'm not here to necessarily take any of that way; I'm here to challenge it though.
My main purpose, in being so bold, is to encourage parents to be mindful of liberal messaging in popular, mainstream media - even Disney. If parents are aware that it exists, pervasively, they will become more efficient in identifying it, thus better able to re-direct how their children internalize the message, or could - age appropriate.
How sad would it be, for diligent parents, who teach correct principles in the raising of their children, to find that their children, as they grow up, have developed, through mainstream social acceptance, unchallenged, these negative attitudes toward obedience, respect and moral absolutes. I believe it is wise to avoid parenting by assumption: assuming your children think and feel the same as you.
I also feel confident that we can identify false teachings, without demonizing individuals for making choices contrary to what we value and advocating for them in society.
Briefly, let's look at the very popular song from Frozen, which is now memorized by the vast majority of young children, who sing it at the tops of their lungs.
The song, "Let It Go" intends to send a strong, liberating gay message, but interestingly, many have dubbed it a theme song for letting general fears go, which keep us from doing good, or overcoming negative aspects in our lives.
However, in the actual lyrics of the song, that is not what it is saying. The message of "Let it Go" is specifically intended to rebel against moral absolutes, which have governed society for centuries, now being viewed by a progressive agenda as antiquated.
The song, "Let It Go" intends to send a strong, liberating gay message, but interestingly, many have dubbed it a theme song for letting general fears go, which keep us from doing good, or overcoming negative aspects in our lives.
However, in the actual lyrics of the song, that is not what it is saying. The message of "Let it Go" is specifically intended to rebel against moral absolutes, which have governed society for centuries, now being viewed by a progressive agenda as antiquated.
Disney Movie, Frozen: Let it Go
Lyrics: "Let It Go,” by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez (Italics added for emphasis of homosexual messaging/attitudes mocked.)
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation
And it looks like I'm the queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway
It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I'm free
Let it go, let it go
I'm one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand and here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past
Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway
Of note, Robert Lopez is credited for much of the award winning music in The Book of Mormon musical. In other words, these two lyricists know how to write strong messages to both mock opposition to what they advocate, in order to sway public perceptions and attitudes they oppose.
The words to "Let it Go" are clearly not Christian-values friendly, by any stretch of the imagination, when understood and heard. This is not an innocent song, with a catchy tune. It is rebellious. It mocks moral absolutes. It is careless. It is unaccountable. It is anti-obedience. It is regardless. It is selfish. And if you still disagree, then by all means, feel free to show me how I've misinterpreted the lyrics.
And this is only one song from the soundtrack to Frozen, intended to indoctrinate your children, and/or grandchildren, contrary to faith-based teachings. You might find it interesting, or not, but just recently the song writers have been giving interviews intended to cloud the messaging behind their lyrics, with absolutely no reference to homosexuality being their inspiration. Really? So perhaps (I hope), people are now starting to question Frozen, and these types of responses could very well be intended to make people, like me, out to be more of what they mock in the Frozen music lyrics: fearful, bigots, homophobic, and now, paranoid.
Now, if you're having a problem grasping what I'm saying here, check out this pro-progressive article, sent over by a friend who found it, after I shared some of my thoughts about Frozen, with her, which takes the time to extract some of the 'positive' messages found in Frozen to advocate their causes: 7 Moments That Made 'Frozen' the Most Progressive Disney Movie Ever.
2/21 Update: Frozen: My Response to Outrageous Reaction
Kathryn Skaggs
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