From my study of the scriptures, teachings of the prophets, and the temple endowment, it is fairly clear that the physical universe has always existed, that is it eternal. Into this scene of a physical universe came our God. He has omnipotent powers that enable Him to organize matter into a habitable world upon which His spirit children (us) can take physical bodies and grow to be more like Him.

He has repeated the process of forming habitable worlds and putting children on them for a very long time, even to the point at which his created worlds number more than the sands on a beach.

How did our physical existence on this world come to pass? The obvious answer is that it and we were created by God. But where did our creator come from and how did He become all powerful? If we say that He came from an omnipotent creator then that leads to a seemingly infinite regress of creators which seems incredible. On the other hand, if there was a first god then how did he come into existence and how did he become omnipotent?

Here are the 2 scenarios.

1. Imagining a first creator who suddenly came into existence with a magical *poof* – unfathomable.

2. Imagining that there has always been a creator(s) – unfathomable.

The unfathomability of it all is what keeps some atheists reclining in their thinking chairs, letting out devious, hoary laughs while puffing on cigars. Anyway, their brashness means nothing to me because I believe in God.

One of the 2 scenarios above must be true or else we would not be here. It turns out that #2 is correct, but I still don’t get it. My mortal mind cannot grasp the concept of no beginning. Each time I hopelessly reflect on how I and this world can be, I feel like Thales of Miletus (circa 600 BC) who, while out for an evening stroll, fell into a well as he looked up pondering the infinitude of the heavens.  

The impossibility of it all just adds to my fascination with the power of God. He is an omnipotent and omniscient creator of worlds without number, yet the worlds are numbered to Him. Moreover He is personally aware and interested in the state of every child that has been placed on one of those worlds.

D&C 88:47 says “Behold, all these are kingdoms, and any man who hath seen any or the least of these hath seen God moving in his majesty and power.” Sticking to beholding and marveling is sound counsel. If we try too hard to understand the ins and outs of our existence we may end up stepping into a well like poor Thales. 

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