For some reason I feel like expressing my goofball opinion which influences my perception of both God and man. That opinion is that the only thing that exists is the present.
If my opinion is correct then there simply is no past. At all. The past is only our memory of it. But the past itself is gone. One cannot even hypothetically travel to the past, because there is no destination. It is literally gone.
Further, there is no future either – at all. The future is only our anticipation, speculation or goal. One can also not travel to any future because there is none. It literally does not exist. Even for God.
This opinion opens the way for mankind to have robust, libertarian free will due to an open future. And it is no sign of weakness in God to not have absolute knowledge of the future because it simply does not exist to be absolutely known.
God’s prophecies about the future are certain enough to have faith in, because He is a remarkable predictor of it. This would be due to His thorough knowledge of the present, His thorough memory of the past, and the fact that in spite of mankind’s libertarian free will, we remain highly predictable due to our reluctance to change.
Additionally God’s prophesies regarding the future are something of a promise. I believe God is an active participant in this exclusive and absolute present, and He will bring about His intended outcome by His patient and persistent influence. Other prophesies are the predictions of mankind’s future state given their current behavior and their reluctance to change in spite of God’s positive influence.

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