This is my second post (in what may become a regular series) of recent items (with links) I have been made aware of which may be of interest to those who are into Ancient Studies, Biblical Studies, Archaeology, Philosophy and related topics.


Hermeneutics of Biblical Theology, History of Religion and the Theological Substance of Two Testaments,” by Eckart Otto

New Reviews on Review of Biblical Literature Blog

Solomon in Chronicles and Ben Sira: A Study in Contrasts

“‘Biblical Studies: Fifty Years of a Multi-Discipline’, Currents 13:34-66,” by Philip Davies

“A Biblical Nota Bene on Philosophical Inquiry,” by Dru Johnson

“Jericho as Jubilee: Ritual Symbolism in the MT of Joshua 6, Draft Version,” by Raymond Van Leeuwen

Qumran/Second Temple Literature:

“Maskil, Community, and Religious Experience in the Songs of the Sage (4Q510–511),” by Joseph L. Angel

“Magical Healing at Qumran (11Q11) and the Question of the Calendar,” by Ida Frohlich

“Sociolinguistics and Which Dead Sea Scrolls?” by Eibert Tigchelaar

 “Pesher as Commentary,” by Pieter Hartog

“Speech and Spirit: Paul and the Maskil as Inspired Interpreters of Scripture,” by Judith Newman

 “Glorification through Fear in 2 Enoch,” by Andrei Orlov

“Assessing Emanuel Tov’s ‘Qumran Scribal Practice,’” by Eibert Tigchelaar

“The Pillar of the World: The Eschatological Role of the Seventh Antediluvian Hero in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch,” by Andrei Orlov

Who is the ‘Son of God’ in 4Q246? An Overlooked Example of Early Biblical Interpretation, by Michael Segal

Scripture and Tradition: Rabbi Akiva and the Triumph of Midrash, by Azzan Yadin-Israel

Ancient Studies:

A Bibliographical Guide to Arab Orthodox Christianity, by Alexander Treiger

On Forms and Functions: Studies in Ancient Egyptian Grammar, edited by Eitan Grossman, et al.

RINAP : Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period

Yale Babylonian Collection

Collections of Coptic Manuscripts

“Two Tablets from the Johns Hopkins University Collection,” by Ronan James Head


New Book: “‘As for me, I will dwell at Mizpah …': The Tell en-Nasbeh Excavations after 85 Years,” edited by Jeffrey R. Zorn & Aaron J. Brody.

Ancient Amulet Discovered with Curious Palindrome Inscription

Where the Trial of Jesus Took Place, by George Athas

Ancient Egyptian Fortress Unearthed in Sinai


ISIS Threatens to Blow Up the Historical Walls of Nineveh

Uncovered in Jerusalem, 9 Tiny Unopened Dead Sea Scrolls

New archive from Jewish Babylonian exile released

Video Games and Ancient Egypt: We’ve Barely Cracked the Sarcophagus

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