In the wake of the recent Supreme Court case regarding same-sex marriage, I felt like drawing some attention to what I feel is a high quality web site called ‘Discussing Marriage‘. This site reviews many of the key arguments for supporting traditional marriage, and key responses to arguments supporting same-sex marriage. For a deeper review I would refer you to this site. What I would like to do here is to summarize the arguments and responses in about as small and simple a way as possible. And since the website does not allow comments, and the facebook page is heavily moderated, I would like to provide light moderation (if any) here. I hope that by taking some time to simplify the arguments I can solidify my thoughts on the subject.
I thought I would start with responses to arguments from those who favor the legalization of same-sex marriage. The first argument on the list is bigotry. I might simplify this argument to this:
P1: To oppose same-sex marriage is bigotry
P2: We should end bigotry
P3: Legalizing same-sex marriage moves us toward ending bigotry
C1: We should legalize same-sex marriage
Premise one is a classic ad hominem attack, and should be seen for what it is. There are certainly bigots out there, but to oppose same-sex marriage alone does not make one a bigot. Labeling opponents as bigots is a distraction from the real merits of the argument, and serves to shut down debate on the issue. There are quality arguments for opposing the legalization of same-sex marriage, and creating the illusion that it is only about bigotry dismisses these in a clever and unfortunately effective way.
Additionally it does not necessarily follow that legalization of same-sex marriage is the best, or even an effective way, of ending whatever bigotry exists.

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