In a historic event, Elder David A. Bednar and his wife, Sister Susan Bednar, answered questions from youth all over the world in a live “Face to Face” online event May 12.
There were 114,000 live streams in 10 languages to groups of youth in 98 countries. The streams were carried on, the Mormon Channel on YouTube, the LDS Youth Facebook page, and the Church satellite system. A seminary class from the Philippines and a youth group from Guatemala also participated in the live event. Elder Bednar, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, called it “the largest mutual activity in the history of the restored Church.”
Using the hashtag #LDSface2face and Church social media channels, youth of all ages and nationalities sent in their questions, concerns, and remarks in the form of 5,000 comments on Church social media and over 10,000 tweets. Although Elder and Sister Bednar could not answer every submitted question, they expressed the hope that the youth would receive much more than he and his wife were able to say. “As together we interact, seeking for the companionship of the Holy Ghost, then people will … receive impressions and inspiration by the power of the Holy Ghost and they will hear things that are not said.” he said.
The Bednars answered questions about how they met, how to deal with opposition, what it’s like to be an Apostle, how to stand up for personal beliefs, and how to gain a testimony.
A young woman from French Polynesia asked about self-esteem and beauty. Elder Bednar used his wife as an example of beauty, saying, “If you want to know what virtue looks like, it’s sitting right here and that’s beauty. There is not another woman on the planet who is more beautiful than Sister Bednar, because of what is inside her.”
It was great to talk to an Apostle one-on-one,” said Alex Lyon, a young man who attended the live event. “Instead of being behind a podium, he was there with us. It was such a spiritual opportunity, and he and Sister Bednar gave me lots of ideas and answers to questions I’ve been dealing with for a while.”
The Bednars counseled the youth to seek their own answers by turning to the scriptures, and they counseled the youth about how to better recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost. “When you have questions, you need to make sure that you include the Lord as your partner in seeking answers,“ said Sister Bednar.
Although it was promoted as an event for youth. All adults can benefit from the wise counsel from the Bednars. I encourage you to watch the “Face to Face” event with Elder and Sister Bednar. You can also download the video from that page to watch it later offline.
- Read more about the event in the article “Elder and Sister Bednar Counsel Youth during Worldwide “Face to Face” Event.”
- See pictures and comments from youth watching the event around the world.
Below are a few memes created by members from the event:

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