has just been updated with a better navigation menu. This is another in a series of continuing improvements to make the Church’s official website more personalized and easier to use.

To help you quickly adapt to this change, watch the instructional video below.

Why Change?

The Church carefully studies any proposed changes to the website before implementing them. The changes have to be significantly better than the current state. The team that continually analyzes user feedback recognized the need to make the navigation more intuitive and to make resources easier to find.

To this end, user researchers, information architects, designers, and developers combined years of user feedback with extensive research to create a more intuitive navigation menu. New menus were then tested with 3,000 random visitors to On average, the new menus increased the “findability” of resources from 57% to 75%. (Learn more about the testing in the article “New Navigation Menus Make Resources Easier to Find.”)

Goals of

Studies show that members rely on to help them:

  • Become better followers of Jesus Christ.
  • Serve in their callings and assignments.
  • Feel inspiration and hope.
  • Find practical helps for life’s challenges.
  • Stay connected with the Church.

Explore the New Menus

I invite you to take a few minutes to explore the new menus on You may need to refresh your browser to see the updated site. (Press F5 on a PC or command+R on a Mac.)

  • You’ll notice 5 major categories in the blue header: Scriptures and Study, Families and Individuals, Share the Gospel, Inspiration and News, and Serve and Teach.
  • Under some of the menu items, you will find new pages. For example, under Families and Individuals > Life’s Challenges > Hope and Help, you will find resources on topics like abuse, adoption, emotional and mental health, same-sex attraction, suicide, and unemployment.
  • See the new options under My Account and Ward in the upper right corner.

Look for resources you commonly use to be sure you know where to find them in the new menu structure. Then explore a bit. I’ll bet you find some great new resources you didn’t know about. Then share what you find with others.

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