This article describes Step 2 in the “12 Steps to Change” video series about the reality of addiction and the power of recovery. (See the introductory article about this video series on the Mormon Channel. See articles about the other steps.)
Addiction is real. So is recovery.
Step 2: Hope. Come to believe that the power of God can restore you to complete spiritual health. Learn more about Step 2: Hope.
Watch “Preston’s Story about Drug Addiction Recovery.” Preston was living in a basement with his brother, who was also addicted to heroin and cocaine, when their intense cravings finally drove them to steal. Preston wondered if he could ever be forgiven, so he prayed to find out. The hope he felt in response to his prayer was the beginning of a miraculous recovery.
Help is available by using these 12 steps and participating in the Church’s Addiction Recovery Program (see
Check back every day from September 1-12, to learn about the next step. And join the conversation using the hashtag #12StepsToChange. Share your experiences, frustrations, and most importantly, hope.
Here is a playlist for all the videos in the series.
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Other resources in overcoming pornography.
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