Watch this Mormon Message video “Refuge from the Storm.”
Tens of millions of people have been displaced from their homes due to conflict and famine—half of these individuals are children.
In the April 2016 general conference, Elder Patrick Kearon spoke of the Savior’s connection to refugees, “At various points in His ministry, Jesus found Himself threatened and His life in danger, ultimately submitting to the designs of evil men who had plotted His death.”
Christ’s response to these situations can inform our reaction as well. Elder Kearon said, “Perhaps, then, it is all the more remarkable to us that He repeatedly taught us to love one another, to love as He loves, to love our neighbor as ourselves. Truly, ‘pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction’ and to ‘look to the poor and the needy, and administer to their relief that they shall not suffer.’”
Have you wondered how you can get involved with refugee efforts in your community? For information and ideas visit the Church’s website at
Watch or read Elder Patrick Kearon’s full talk “Refuge from the Storm.”
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