I was raised in the religious tradition of my parents, which happens to be The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Over the course of my life I have had several spiritual experiences associated with the church and my participation in it. Once I have had these experiences, I am left with a few options about what to make of these experiences. I can attribute these experiences to emotions, psychological phenomena, or wishful thinking. I can say that I do not know what these experiences are and remain uncommitted to them. Or I can attribute these experiences to God and the spirit.
In my case, to simply deny that these experiences have occurred, would seem to be a self deception that I do not wish to pursue. Because of this I have a desire to make some decision regarding these experiences. I would hope that the people that know me well will recognize that I have clearly attributed my spiritual experiences to God, and this has lead to a lifetime of committed membership in the church.
Having these experiences makes the decision of what to do about God and religion more sharp. The more profound the experience, the less likely ignoring or dismissing them will be. Those that have had such experiences should understand the weight of the decisions that they have made regarding them. Such decisions should not be taken lightly.
I cannot speak to the spiritual experiences of others. I am unclear about why there appears to be a variety of such experiences (some appear to have not had them, others appear to have had them but associated with other traditions,, etc.). It is difficult for me to relate to. I really can only say that I have had such experiences associated with the church, I have chosen to attribute these to God, and this has resulted in what I often call testimony.
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