Over 7,000 pages of the journals and writings of President Wilford Woodruff, the fourth President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are now available online through the Church History Library.

Portrait of President Wilford Woodruff about 1898
Wilford Woodruff is widely recognized for his journal keeping and for his work as a missionary and leader of the Church. His life spanned nearly the entire 19th century.
These records provide rich details, context, and corroboration for significant early Church events. President Woodruff recorded some sermons given by Joseph Smith that haven’t been found elsewhere. This large addition includes his personal handwriting, drawings, and embellishments.
Visit the Church History Library’s online catalog to view President Woodruff’s journals and other collections.
Learn more in the article “More Than 7,000 of Wilford Woodruff’s Records Now Available Online.”
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