On this site, we maintain an ongoing page that lists resources in overcoming pornography. We know that pornography is a big problem in the world today, and it is growing bigger.
One of the best programs we have seen to help your family stay clear of pornography is Covenant Eyes, a Christian-based program that combines filtering with a system of accountability. The real strength is in their accountability system.
Integrity is who you are and what you do when you are alone.
One of the best ways to escape the temptation is to remove the secrecy of the internet. With their accountability system, you identify an accountability partner–someone to whom you give permission to help you stand strong. It’s someone you trust because they genuinely care for you. Because the allure of temptation is strongest when no one is looking, an accountability partner helps defeat temptation’s pull by looking over your shoulder when you’re on the internet. The software reports all your web activity and scores websites so your partner can easily identify mature web addresses, searches, and links. Learn more about the accountability system.
We have studied several programs, and for $15.99 a month, we think this is one of the most effective. We believe in their system so much that we set up an affiliate relationship with them to help spread the word.
Questions to consider:
- Do you really know which websites your family is viewing?
- Are members of your family spending unusual amounts of time on the internet?
- Do family members try to hide their internet use?
We invite you to try Covenant Eyes to help protect your family. Rather than just trying to block bad stuff, this program helps your family learn to be accountable for their choices. The video below explains more.
Other Resources
- Download educational materials for parents from Covenant Eyes
- Videos from Covenant Eyes
- Family Home Evening lesson “What Should I Do If I See Pornography?“
- Church’s website Addressing Pornography
- Church’s Addiction Recovery program
- 12 Steps to Change Video Series on Addiction
- Pornography is a Problem for Women, Too
- Articles about pornography on LDS365
- LDS365 page of resources to overcome pornography
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