Most of us know what it’s like to scramble for something interesting to say when someone asks the classic question, “Tell me something about yourself.” It’s similar to the feeling when you’re asked to share a fun fact about yourself on the first day of school or at a new job.
Thankfully, there’s a quick way to discover fascinating information about yourself. Our All About Me feature can tell you everything from the meaning and frequency of your name, to the cost of gas when you were born, to the most popular music when you were 8.
These facts put your life in context, and context brings your story to life. Discover your unique story.
All About Me
Start by logging into, or, if you don’t have an account, get started by simply entering your name, what country you are from, and when you were born.
Everything You Ever Needed to Know about Your Name
Did you know that Shakespeare was the first to use the name “Jessica”? I didn’t—not until All About Me, that is. There, you can learn the following information about your first, middle, and last names:
- Places in the world your name is commonly found
- Number of people who share your name
- Meaning of your name

If you are logged into and you’ve entered the names of your family into your tree, you can see how common their names are or what part of the world they come from by selecting your family member’s name from a list below the experience.

How Has the World Changed Since You Were Born?
Quiz yourself on the difference between the world’s population when you were born and now. Hint: There’s likely a billion-person difference between now and then.

You can also see how many people lived on the earth when a relative, such as your father or grandmother, was born. If you don’t have that person’s date of birth yet in your family tree, All About Me will prompt you to enter a birthday for the person so it can calculate the population.
Another fun game you can play is comparing the price of items—such as a movie ticket or postage stamp—now, when you were born, and when your parents and grandparents were born.
Read the rest of the article “Discover Fun Facts about Yourself.”
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