The Church has created Gospel Voice, available as an Amazon Alexa skill and a Google Assistant. With this new skill (for Amazon Alexa) or action (for Google Assistant), you can conveniently listen to Church content, such as scriptures; general conference; Come, Follow Me lessons; music, and the Latter-day Saints Channel radio.
Watch this introductory video from the Church, “Gospel Voice: A New Way to #HearHim.”
If you own an Amazon Echo, just say, “Alexa, ask Gospel Voice to read this week’s lesson.” If you have a Google Home device, say, “Hey, Google, ask Gospel Voice to play hymn number 30.”
Get started on your Amazon Alexa devices by:
Option 1: Saying “Alexa, enable Gospel Voice.”
Option 2: Searching for “Gospel Voice” in the Alexa skill store and clicking Enable.
Then anytime you want to access it again, say, “Alexa, open Gospel Voice”
Get started on Google Assistant devices by:
Option 1: Saying “Hey, Google, talk to Gospel Voice.”
Option 2: While on your mobile device, going to the Gospel Voice action in the Assistant store.
Then anytime you want to access it again, say, “Hey, Google, open Gospel Voice.”
Content currently available:
- Scriptures by chapter (specific verses will become available later this year). You can choose a male or female voice. Try these commands: “Alexa, ask Gospel Voice to read First Nephi chapter one” or “Hey Google, ask Gospel Voice to read First Nephi chapter one.”
- Music, including Hymns, the Children’s Songbook, and youth music. To play music, try these phrases: “Alexa, ask Gospel Voice to play hymn number one hundred and thirteen” or “Hey Google, ask Gospel Voice to play hymn number one hundred and thirteen.”
- General conference, both live and archived dating back to 1971. You can access archived talks as an entire session, by speaker, or by the title of the talk. Try these phrases: “Alexa, ask Gospel Voice to play the latest talk by President Nelson” or “Hey Google, ask Gospel Voice to play the latest talk by President Nelson.”
- Come, Follow Me lesson audio by week for all three manuals (for individuals and families, for Primary, and for Sunday School). Try these commands: “Alexa, ask Gospel Voice to read this week’s lesson” or “Hey Google, ask Gospel Voice to read this week’s lesson.”
- Latter-day Saints Channel streams (music, talk, and The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square). Just say “Alexa, ask Gospel Voice to play The Tabernacle Choir” or “Hey Google, ask Gospel Voice to play The Tabernacle Choir.”
- Saints, volumes 1 and 2. Each book in the series is available by chapter. Just say “Alexa, ask Gospel Voice to read chapter two of ‘Saints’ Volume One” or “Hey Google, ask Gospel Voice to read chapter two of ‘Saints’ Volume One.”
Learn what else it can do on the Gospel Voice help page or in the article “‘Gospel Voice’ Brings Church Content to Amazon and Google Smart Speakers.”
See other LDS-related Amazon Alexa skills.
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