False dilemmas are fuel for disillusionment and faith crisis. Here are some common ones that we find among Latter-Day Saints.
It is possible to believe this | And also this. |
God is creative. | God loves order. |
God lives in a fulness of joy. | God weeps. |
God is merciful. | God is just, and God insists upon obedience to commandments. |
Prophets are fallible. | Prophets are ordained by God, and God cares deeply about how we respond to them. |
Scripture serves as the word of God. | Scripture often reflects the worldview and culture of the people involved in its production and transmission. |
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is exactly what it claims to be. | God is also working through good people in other faith communities to bring to pass God’s purposes. |
The construction and use of temples and other buildings are ordained of God. | Giving to the poor is ordained of God. |
Tithing and fast offerings are commanded by God. | Informal giving and service to the poor are commanded by God. |
Jesus loved and engaged with the marginalized in society. | Jesus loved and engaged with social elites and the religious establishment. |
Jesus spent a lot of time and energy trying to correct erroneous application of the Law of Moses. | Jesus loved and lived the Law of Moses. |
Gender is eternal. | In human biology, gender sometimes does not manifest in clear binary terms. |
Attending church meetings, some people end up judgmental and closed-minded, with a faith that is not centered in Christ. | Attending those same meetings, other people end up open-hearted and non-judgmental, with a faith that is very much centered in Christ. |
Many church teachings and policies have evolved over time. | Those same church teachings and policies, as they presently stand, have divine sanction. |
God loves you as you are. | God wants you to improve and become more than you are. |
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