Individuals struggling with addictions or compulsive behaviors may feel lost or alone and need hope and help. Their spouses and family members may also need support. The Church’s Addiction Recovery Program has resources to help. Individuals or their spouses and family members can find virtual or in-person support groups at
The Church’s Addiction Recovery Program provides support and a safe place for anyone working to overcome an addiction or compulsive behavior.
The program is made up of support groups that follow a 12-step approach with a gospel framework. Each group is made up of participants working toward recovery, and is facilitated by service missionaries who have found recovery and healing through the program themselves. There are separate groups for those struggling with general addictions and pornography use. There are also support groups for spouses and family members to attend.
These groups are available in 17 languages. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many groups are meeting over Zoom or telephone. These virtual options allow more participants to attend meetings and find hope.
Learn more in the article Finding Strength in Christ and Connection Through the Addiction Recovery Program.”
The Church resources at include videos, podcast recordings of meetings, stories of hope, and support group guides.
See a list of resources on LDS365 to help with pornography.
The post Church’s Addiction Recovery Program Provides Spouse and Family Support first appeared on LDS365: Resources from the Church & Latter-day Saints worldwide.Continue reading at the original source →