A worldwide, uniform standard has been established for creating new units or changing stake and ward boundaries.
A new participation measure has been added to the boundary proposal process to assist leaders in identifying members who participate in a meaningful way and to help evaluate the strength of a boundary proposal. A member is considered as participating if he or she meets one or more of the following criteria:
- Pays a full or partial tithe.
- Holds a current temple recommend.
- Has a calling in the Church.
- Is a new member attending sacrament meeting in the first year of membership.
- Is enrolled in seminary (for youth only).
Stake Creations
Regardless of the country where a stake is created, it will need to comply with the following minimum requirements:
- Number of total members: 2,000
- Number of active, full-tithe-paying Melchizedek Priesthood holders capable of serving in leadership positions: 150
- Participating adults: 500
- Participating youth: 100 (recommended)
Number of wards: 5
Ward Creations
Regardless of the country where a ward is created, it will need to comply with the following minimum requirements:
- Number of total members: 250
- Number of active, full-tithe-paying Melchizedek Priesthood holders capable of serving in leadership positions: 20
- Participating adults: 100
- Participating youth: 20 (recommended)
The General Handbook and the boundary proposal system in Leader and Clerk Resources will be updated in early 2024 to reflect these changes.
Learn more in the article “First Presidency Announces Uniform, Worldwide Standards for Ward and Stake Boundaries.”
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