2024 April General Conference, Sunday Morning Session

The Powerful, Virtuous Cycle of the Doctrine of Christ 

Elder Dale G. Renlund
of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

As we approach General Conference, we are invited to move closer to the Savior and build spiritual momentum, as Elder Renlund described in his talk, “The Powerful, Virtuous Cycle of the Doctrine of Christ.” Elder Renlund shared a personal experience of a kayaking excursion in Hawaii to illustrate a key truth about spiritual progress: maintaining steady effort and momentum helps us navigate life’s challenges. Similarly, preparing for, participating in, and taking action after General Conference allows us to continue ‘rowing’ toward the Savior, no matter how many times the waves of life knock us off course – and no matter where we are in our individual faith journey. 

Preparing for General Conference

Just as Elder Renlund’s guide gave him instructions before the kayaking trip, preparing for General Conference helps us enter with a clear sense of direction. Begin by setting aside time for prayer and reflection. What questions do you hope to find answers to? What challenges or spiritual needs weigh on your heart? Preparing spiritually is like studying the route before embarking on a journey—having a clear destination helps you stay focused when distractions arise. We can also prepare by clearing space in our schedules and homes to fully participate in the sessions, creating an atmosphere where the Spirit can speak to us.

Action items for preparing:

    • Set Clear Intentions: Decide what you want to gain from General Conference. Write down specific questions or concerns you hope to address.
    • Fast with Purpose: Consider fasting before (or during) Conference with the specific purpose of gaining clarity and direction.
    • Ask for Personal Revelation: Pray specifically for the Spirit to guide you to find the answers you need, rather than general inspiration.
  • Establish a Quiet Environment: Create a space in your home where you can watch Conference without distractions, helping you focus on the messages.
  • Read the Book of Mormon Leading Up to Conference: Even small daily readings can help build a spiritual connection before Conference begins.

In a faith crisis? Consider preparing with this in mind:

  • Limit Preconceptions: Approach Conference with an open mind, allowing yourself to hear the messages without preconceived judgments.
  • Engage in Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your current spiritual state and why you are in a faith crisis. Writing down your thoughts may help you gain insight.

Participating in General Conference

As we started out, I rowed faster than Ruth and Ashley. After a while, I was far ahead of them. Though proud of my heroic pace, I stopped paddling and waited for them to catch up. A large wave—about 13 centimeters (5 inches)—hit the side of my kayak and flipped me over into the water. By the time I had turned the kayak upright and struggled to get back on top, Ruth and Ashley had passed me by, but I was too winded to resume paddling. Before I could catch my breath, another wave, this one truly enormous—at least 20 centimeters (8 inches)—hit my kayak and flipped me over again. By the time I managed to right the kayak, I was so out of breath I feared I would not be able to climb on top.

Seeing my situation, the guide rowed over and steadied my kayak, making it easier for me to climb on top. When he saw that I was still too breathless to row on my own, he hitched a towrope to my kayak and began paddling, pulling me along with him. Soon I caught my breath and began paddling adequately on my own. He let go of the rope, and I reached the first island without further assistance. Upon arrival, I flopped down on the sand, exhausted.

After the group had rested, the guide quietly said to me, “Mr. Renlund, if you just keep paddling, maintaining your momentum, I think you’re going to be fine.”

During his kayaking trip, Elder Renlund learned the importance of keeping up a steady pace. His guide advised him to keep moving and keep his momentum – and that would keep him safe. The same applies to our participation in General Conference. Actively listen to the talks, take notes, and be mindful of spiritual impressions. Just as Elder Renlund found that slowing down made him vulnerable to the waves, we risk losing momentum when we become passive listeners. Participating actively—whether by pondering the teachings or discussing insights with family—helps us maintain spiritual momentum and opens the door for revelation.

Action items for participating:

    • Listen for Specific Answers: Watch each session with the intent to receive answers to your personal questions.
    • Take Notes on Feelings, Not Just Words: Pay attention to how certain talks make you feel rather than just the information presented.
    • Write Down Promptings Immediately: As you feel any inspiration or guidance, jot it down right away, even if it seems small or unrelated to the talk.
  • Be Present and Avoid Multitasking: Give your full attention to the talks, allowing yourself to really hear the messages.
  • Focus on Christ: Tune your ears and heart to teachings that directly address Jesus Christ and His Atonement.

In a faith crisis? Consider participating with this in mind:

  • Recognize the Role of Doubt in Faith: Pay attention to any talks that acknowledge the reality of doubt and how it can coexist with faith.
  • Don’t Expect Perfection: Remind yourself that Church leaders, like all of us, are human and will not be perfect in their communication or delivery.

Following Up After General Conference

On his kayaking venture, Elder Renlund realized that maintaining his momentum would help him face the larger waves ahead and avoid being swept off course. In our spiritual lives, it’s critical to keep momentum after Conference ends. The talks and inspiration we receive don’t have to be fleeting; they can become tools for daily, continued growth. Review your notes, re-listen to key talks, and make a plan for how to act on the promptings you felt. Elder Renlund emphasized the importance of daily nourishment for our faith: “Our faith in Jesus Christ needs to be nourished daily.” By consistently applying what we learned at Conference, we keep our momentum and nourish our faith daily – helping us grow closer to Christ.

Action items for following up after General Conference:

    • Act on Promptings: When you receive a prompting during or after Conference, even if it’s small, act on it. Faith grows through action.
    • Pray About Specific Insights: In your prayers, bring up specific points from the talks that felt meaningful and ask Heavenly Father how to apply them.
    • Study Talks One at a Time: After Conference, pick one talk per day or week to study deeply. This slower approach might reveal new insights.
  • Review Your Notes: Go back over the notes you took and highlight any key points or promptings that stood out. Revisit them throughout the coming weeks.
  • Use General Conference in Daily Prayer and Study: Incorporate lessons and themes from Conference into your daily prayers and scripture study to keep your connection to the messages alive.

In a faith crisis? Consider preparing with this in mind:

  • Be Patient with the Process: Recognize that spiritual growth and overcoming doubts often take time. Allow yourself to revisit talks or topics as needed.
  • Give Yourself Grace: Understand that faith crises are normal and part of the spiritual journey. Be kind to yourself as you navigate your path back to faith.
  • Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Discuss the talks with family, friends, or a Church leader, and be open about your faith crisis. Sometimes talking things out brings new clarity.

Conclusion: Keep Rowing Toward the Savior

We become vulnerable when we slow down and especially when we stop. If we maintain spiritual momentum by continually “rowing” toward the Savior, we are safer and more secure because our eternal life depends on our faith in Him.

As Elder Renlund’s guide taught him to maintain steady momentum, we too are invited to “keep paddling” spiritually as we prepare for, participate in, and follow up on General Conference. This consistent effort brings us closer to the Savior and helps us endure life’s waves. Elder Renlund promises, “When we assume responsibility for our own testimonies, we gain spiritual momentum and gradually develop bedrock faith in Jesus Christ, and the doctrine of Christ becomes central to the purpose of life.”

As General Conference approaches, choose to make deliberate preparations, participate with full intent, and continue your spiritual momentum by acting on the lessons you receive. In doing so, you’ll find greater peace, direction, and strength in your journey toward the Savior.

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