The Church has reiterated its long-standing principles of love, law, and family unity and encourages local leaders to comply with federal laws that criminalize harboring, transporting, or encouraging undocumented immigrants to remain in the United States. The following is the Church statement:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has reiterated principles and communicated guidelines to local leaders in the United States regarding immigration issues.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, the following principles guide the Church’s approach:
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints obeys the law.
- We follow Jesus Christ by loving our neighbors. The Savior taught that the meaning of “neighbor” includes all of God’s children.
- We seek to provide basic food and clothing, as our capacity allows, to those in need, regardless of their immigration status. We are especially concerned about keeping families together.
The guidance closely follows statements made previously on these issues, which are available on the Church website.
The Office of General Counsel (OGC) has created guidelines to help local leaders comply with federal laws that criminalize harboring, transporting, or encouraging undocumented immigrants to remain in the United States. OGC also carefully tracks legal developments to ensure local outreach and area-initiated humanitarian activities are appropriate. Local leaders should be in contact with the Office of General Counsel for further information.
Stake presidents in the United States have received a letter with additional instructions, including the following:
- Local leaders may use fast-offering funds to provide temporary assistance for essential needs like food, clothing, and medical care, regardless of immigration status.
- If local leaders have reason to believe someone is undocumented and not authorized to work, they should avoid potential conflicts with federal law by avoiding or limiting housing assistance, not transporting the person outside the local community, and not referring the person for employment.
- Leaders should not provide legal advice, testify in legal proceedings, or sponsor immigration efforts.
- Leaders may refer families to community resources that address their immigration issues or help prepare them for possible separation in cases where family members may be deported.
- Church buildings and resources should not be used to help shield individuals from law enforcement.
The Church’s General Handbook provides information and directives to Latter-day Saints regarding immigration, refugees, and honoring the law. See the following excerpts from chapter 38, “Church Policies and Guidelines.”
“Immigration,” section 38.8.19:
Members who remain in their native lands often have opportunities to build up and strengthen the Church there. However, immigration to another country is a personal choice.
Members who move to another country should obey all applicable laws (see Doctrine and Covenants 58:21).
Missionaries should not offer to sponsor others’ immigration. Nor should they ask their parents, relatives, or others to do so.
The Church does not sponsor immigration through Church employment.
Church members offer their time, talents, and friendship to welcome immigrants and refugees as members of their communities (see Matthew 25:35; see also 38.8.35 in this handbook).
“Refugees,” 38.8.35
Many people have fled their homes seeking relief from violence, war, religious persecution, and life-threatening situations. As part of their responsibility to care for those in need (see Mosiah 4:26), Church members offer their time, talents, and friendship to welcome refugees as members of their communities. See Matthew 25:35;
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