‘Boooo-ooooys, F. H. E. roooooom, Nooooo-ooooow!’, Dad bellows the customary announcement down the staircase. Boys number 3 and 4 race up to see who can get ‘the chair’. Boy 1 walks slowly, obeying the instructions. Boy 2 really drags his feet, he would prefer to play the PS2.
Boy 4 has opening song, and chooses ‘Do as I’m Doing’. He starts spinning around with his arms straight out to his sides. The middle boys use this action as an excuse to whack into each other like helicopters flying to close. Boy 1 observes, mouthing the words. Boy 4 sings with the enthusiasm you might expect from a recent Sunbeam graduate, and Dad follows his lead. Mom tickles the ivories.
After the song the youngest says the prayer. He is called upon because Dad knows he will throw a tantrum if someone else is called. We let him ramble for half a minute, and then guide him to a close.
Dad has the scripture, and because of the subject of the lesson, reads the verses normally associated with the oath and covenant of the priesthood. He wonders if the boys got anything out of it.
The oldest son has the lesson this week. He chooses a lesson on Aaronic Priesthood duties because the brother just younger than he will be turning twelve in a couple of months and become a deacon. After he reviews the basic offices, and the duties, he hands out a priesthood office - priesthood duty matching game for the younger boys and we help them through it.
We have a closing song and prayer prior to the activity and refreshment portion. Boy 3 has the activity this week, and has been keeping it a secret. We ask him what he wants to do.
Napoleon Dynamite.
What?! Again?!
Wouldn’t you rather do something else?
Are you SURE?
Ok….But it’s getting late. We won’t watch all of it.
While the boys get the movie started, Dad goes off to the kitchen to make his famous chocolate - banana milkshakes. A brief wave of happiness flows over him as he reflects on serving his family in this way. How blessed we are. What a nice little family we have.
Dad brings in the cups, which are eagerly snatched by the boys. Mom and Dad sit back and endure a few moments of a dumb movie with their precious boys. Not everything is right with the world, or with our family. But, we have our moments.
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