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Catalogue of Books, Maps, &c. Belonging to the Utah Territorial Library, October, 1852.
Domestic Animals, and Veterinary.
Allen, Louis F. [Louis Falley]. American Herd Book: [Containing Pedigrees of Short Horn Cattle to Which Is Prefixed a Concise History of English and American Short Horns, Compiled from the Best Authorities]. (Buffalo: [Jewett, Thomas & Co.], 1846).
Allen, R.L. [Richard Lamb]. Domestic Animals: [History and Description of the Horse, Mule, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, and Farm Dogs: with Directions for Their Management, Breeding, Crossing, Bearing, Feeding, and Preparation for a Profitable Market: Also Their Diseases and Remedies, Together with Full Directions for the Management of the Dairy]. (New York: [For the Author, by C.M. Saxton], 1850).
Canfield, H.J. [Henry J.] [Breeds,] Management, [Structure and Diseases] of [the] Sheep: [With Illustrative Engravings, and an Appendix]. (Salem, [Ohio: Aaron Hinchman], 1848). [Researcher recommends the "nice illustrations of sheep guts."]
Clater, Francis, and [William] Youatt [and John S. Skinner]. [Every Man His Own] Cattle Doctor: [Containing the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of All the Diseases Incident to Oxen, Sheep, and Swine; and a Sketch of the Anatomy and Physiology of Neat Cattle]. (Philadelphia: [Lea and Blanchard], 1848).
Clater, Francis [and John Clater]. [Every Man His Own Farrier: Containing Causes, Symptoms, and Most Approved Methods of Cure of the] Diseases of Horses. [1st American ed. from the] 28th London ed. (Philadelphia: [Lea], 1845).
Miles, William. The Horse’s Foot [and How to Keep It Sound, with Illustrations]. (New York, 1847).
Morrell, L.A. American Shepherd: [Being a History of the Sheep, with Their Breeds, Management, and Diseases. Illustrated with Portraits of Different Breeds, Sheep Barns, Sheds, &c. with an Appendix]. (New York: [Harper & Bros.], 1845).
Randall, H.S. [Henry Stephens]. Sheep Husbandry: [Being a Treatise on the Acclimation of Sheep in the Southern States, and an Account of the Different Breeds; Also a Complete Manual of Breeding, Summer and Winter Management, and of the Treatment of Diseases]. 5th ed. (New York: [M. Saxton], 1851).
Rupp, I.D. [Israel Daniel]. Farmer’s Complete Farrier. (Lancaster: [I.L. Eshleman], 1847).
Youatt, [William]. [Stock Raiser's Manual: A Guide to the Raising and Improvement of Cattle: Being a Treatise on Their Breeds, Management and Diseases]. (Philadelphia: [Grigg & Elliot], 1844).
Youatt, [William, and John S. Skinner]. The Horse. (Philadelphia: [Lea and Blanchard], 1850).
A.B. Allen & Co. Catalogue of Agricultural and Horticultural Implements. 12th ed. (New York, 1850). 5 copies.
— . Catalogue of Agricultural and Horticultural Implements. 12th ed. (New York, 1851).
Allen, A.B. & R.L., eds. American Agriculturist. 9 vols. (New York).
Allen, R.L. American Farm Book. (New York, 1850).
Armstrong, John. Treatise on Agriculture. (New York, 1845).
Beatty, Adam. Essays on Practical Agriculture. (Maysville, 1844).
Buel, Jesse. Farmer’s Companion. (New York, 1847).
Coleman, Henry. European Agriculture and Rural Economy. 3rd ed. (Boston, 1850).
Davis, N.S. Text Book on Agriculture. (New York (1848).
Down,ing A.J. Fruit and Fruit Trees. 11th ed. (new York, 1849).
— . Landscape Gardening and Rural Architecture; with plates. 4th ed. (New York, 1849).
Farmer’s Library. Plates. 2 vols. (London).
Hoare, –. Treatise on the Grape Vine. (New York).
Ives, John M. Book of Fruit. (Salem, 1847).
Johnson, James F.W. Lectures on Practical Agriculture. (New York, 1850).
Kendrick, Wm. American Orchardist. 7th ed. (Boston, 1844).
Lowden, Mrs. Gardening for Ladies. (New York, 1849).
Mapes, James J. Working Farmer. (New York, 1850).
Norton, John P. Scientific Agriculture. (Albany, 1850).
Ruffin, E. Agricultural Survey in S. Carolina for ‘43. (Columbia, 1843). 3 copies. Presented by Gov. Means.
Stephens, Henry. Book of the Farm. 2 vols. (New York, 1851).
Thomas, John J. American Fruit Culturist. (Auburn, 1850).
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