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Catalogue of Books, Maps, &c. Belonging to the Utah Territorial Library, October, 1852.

Arts, Manufactures, and Domestic Economy.

Alcott, W.A. Young House-Keeper. (Boston, 1842).

Allen, Saml. Poultry Yard. (New York, 1850).

Beecher, Miss – . Domestic Economy. (New York, 1850).

Bement, C.N. Poulterer’s Companion. 5th ed. (New York, 1849).

Berzelius, – . Use of the Blow Pipe. (London, 1845).

Bigelow, Jacob. Useful Arts. 2 vols. (New York, 1850).

Copley, Mrs. – . Kind Words for the Kitchen. (New York, 1848).

Familiar Treatise on Arts. (Boston, 1845). Presented by Wm. T. Tewksbury.

Gelroy, Clinton G. Art of Weaving Illustrated. (New York, 1844).

Hall, J.S. Book of the Feet: A History of Boots and Shoes. (New York, 1847).

Hazen, E. Panorama of Professions and Trades. 2 vols. (New York, 1850).

Leslie, Miss – . Complete Cookery. 37th ed. (Philadelphia, 1850).

— . Complete House Book. (Philadelphia, 1849).

— . Indian Meal Book. (Philadelphia, 1847).

— . Ladies’ New Receipt Book. 5th ed. (Philadelphia, 1850).

Manufacture of Porcelain Glass. (Philadelphia, 1846). Presented by R.S. Fisher.

Miner, T.B. Bee-Keeper’s Manual. 2nd ed. (New York, 1849). 2 copies.

Overman, F. Manufacture of Iron. (Philadelphia, 1850).

Parks, Mrs. Wm. Domestic Duties. (New York, 1846).

Science Applied to Domestic and Mechanical Arts. (New York, 1847).

Thomas, J. History of Printing in America. (Worcester, 1810).

Tredgold, Thos. Elementary Principles of Carpentry. (Philadelphia, 1837).

Willement, E.G. Catechism of Familiar Things. (Philadelphia, 1852).

Wonderful Inventions. (New York, 1849).

Vicat, J.L. Mortars and Cements. (London, 1837).

Trade and Commerce.

Conversation about Whale Fishery. 2 vols. (New York).

Elmore, F.H. Defence of Bank of South Carolina. (Columbia, 1850). Presented by Gov. Means.

Goodrich, S.G. Enterprise, Industry, and Art of Man. (Philadelphia).

Heeren, A.H.L. Historical Researches into Politics, Intercourse and Trade. 6 vols. (London, 1846).

Lardner, D. Railway Economy. (New York, 1850).

Library of Commerce. (New York, 1845). 2 copies of vol. 1. Presented by F. Hunt.

McCulloch, – . Commercial Dictionary. 2 vols. (Philadelphia, 1849).

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