Isabella Mori, at Change Therapy tagged me earlier this week to participate in Blog Action Day, October 15th, in a crusade to tackle one of the great plagues of mankind, Poverty. I have been very extraordinarily busy this month and my blogging has suffered but I figure better late than never.
It turns out that one simple thing we all can do is click. Yes, you can fight poverty by surfing the internet. I am told that Doctors without Borders, a charity that is currently leading the fight against poverty in the neglected regions as Darfur in the Sudan and in Haiti, can use your help in an internet bid to award the most voted charity 1 million dollars. Please Click here to vote, or you can click here to head on over to Scott Schachters blog and learn more.
My problem remains, I don’t know that I have anything earth shattering or enlightening to share on the subject. I was feeling powerless and paralyzed until I read these words from author Gretchen Rubin at the Happiness project.
One of the most important principles I’ve learned from my happiness research is that although we assume that we act because of the way we feel, often we feel because of the way we act.
This is a case where actions are more powerful than words. My pessimistic side tells me that if there was an easy solution to this, I think we would likely have rid ourselves of it long ago. That doesn’t change the fact that I CAN do something, earth changing or not. So in the spirit of doing what I can, when I have no idea what I can do, other than give to worthy charities such as Oxfam, the Salvation Army, or the Humanitarian Aid fund of my church, I share this video.
This song was written by fellow Mormon Kurt Bestor and captures the poignancy of the problem from God’s perspective in a manner that will rip at your heartstrings. Can you hear the prayer of the children?
Tagged: charity, children, giving, love, poverty, prayer, suffering
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