And we’re back, time once again for a run down of the very best, most interesting, most educational, most inspiring, and most bizarre stuff I’ve been able to pick up here and there wandering the internet between actual work. This time I have the anatomy of hope, the anatomy of gummi bears, heady philosophy from the likes of Descartes and Barth, the link between marshmallows and intelligence, sculpting shadows and lots more. So have a seat and enjoy the very best of that my meanderings of the ethernet led to-
Regarding the mind-
At Bioethics Discussion Blog, Maurice Bernstein, MD dissects the complicated and essential mental process that is hope, a critical part of healing and recovering from all that ails us, and hopefully, more than “just paint on the face of existence.”
Out of her own self interest and in behalf of inpatients everywhere, Maria at Intueri, reviews for the rest of us poor physicians in training how to correctly and humanely react to the crying patient with some great alternatives to punting to the inpatient psychiatrist. Funny how many physicians are leading proponents of separating the body from the mind and soul in their work.
At Frontal Cortex, Jonah Lehrer has a nice post about the Prefrontalcortex and the repercussions of using its finite resources for both cognition and self control. The most fascinating part is the beginning where we learn that a 4 year old saying no to a second marshmallow is more important to their school successthan their I.Q. I think I must be the outlier on that one. The four year old in me would eat the whole bag if he could get away with it.
Regarding the soul-
In a beautifully written post, the Anesthesioboist stands up for the much maligned philosopher Descartes, courageously asserting a belief that “some truths can be derived from outside mathematics and the observable.” Clearly, this is a doctor after my own heart.
At Radio Beloved, Neal Davis shares some fantastically deep and profound thoughts from German Theologian Karl Barth, as he expounds on how in our embrace of God, we sometimes sneak in our own terms and end up rejecting God in the very act of acceptance.
Edwin Leap, MD has a heady essay examining how the relentless pursuit of scientific fact can end up leaving behind all the truths that matter in the world.
Regarding the body-
I apologize if it seems I am going to often to the same blogs, but great writers keep churning out great writing. At Musings of a Distractible Mind, great writing (and goofy humor) is what Dr. Rob is all about, this time as he continues his series on the physician baby examination by heading south. Look out.
At Neurophilosophy, Mo reports that scientists claim to have successfully found a way to erase memories, in mice at least. But I thought we got that technology from the aliens decades ago, just ask the Men in Black.

I'm serious, you ever use that flashy thingy on me?!
Medgadget presents the brilliant and disturbing anatomical drawings of Jason Freeney, who specializes in such rare organisms as Lego people, balloon animals, gummi bears and more. Check out the artists site for all his bizarre, twisted, hilarious, yet educational insanity.
or All the Above-
At DNR/DNI, Leo Levy has an eye-opening post that throws the reader into the warped world of the ICU like a bucket of ice water to the face he reveals, and laments the dehumanizing way restraints are used in the ICU. I found this post quite uncomfortable and all too disturbingly true.
At Medical Futility, Thaddeus Mason Pope presents the unfortunate way far too many American’send their lives in the appropriate medium of the blues. It takes courage to let someone know they are dying, and it takes courage to let family die with dignity. This is a song that explains why it is having that courage is so important.
At Ill Humored, Duncan Cross makes an eloquent defense of the concept of healthcare as a human right, correctly noting that, for an oft forgotten, but sizable minority of the human family, access to healthcare is absolutely essential to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
At Nurse Heidi’s Spot comes a courageous and moving account of the suffering a parent goes through when losing a child, with a vivid and enlightening explanation of the debilitating effects of clinical depression, as Heidi shares a very personal story in hopes of imparting wisdom gained to all who must travel a similar road.
and just because I Liked it-
At New Cool Thang, Geoff J tramples some of the lazy thinking in Mormon circles that crops up whenever discussing socialism, government, and the evils thereof. All this from a man who most certainly is not a socialist. My hat is off to you sir.
At slightly warped curiosities comes a magnificent photo montage of sculptures that are complete junk, until seen in a different light (and shadow).
That’s all I got for now. If you are still need of a medical blog fix, check out this week’s Grand Rounds at the racetrack, especially that masterpiece by “Dr. Doc”, or check out all things neuroscience at the 57th Encephalon. Sharp Brains even has a metacarnival of blog carnivals if you want to go absolutely stark, raving mad. Enjoy.
Tagged: anatomy, art, baby, bizarre, blogs, carnivals, cognition, crying, death, Depression, Disability, doctoring, dying, futility, God, government, grieving, healing, healthcare, hope, humor, ICU, idolatry, intelligence, IQ, medical ethics, memory, parents, physical exam, politics, pride, religion, restraints, rights, science fiction, sculpture, self control, shadow, socialism, truth
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