Hey Cuz!
You don’t know me, but I think we’re fifth cousins or something like that. We’re both descendants from Parley P. Pratt — 2 greats for you, 3 for me. We have lots in common: we’re both active Latter-day Saints, we’ve both graduated from BYU, and we’re both not afraid to change our minds about political matters.
Considering we don’t know really know each other, I was touched that you would take time out of your busy schedule and send me the postcard that I received today. How thoughtful of you!
You wrote to tell me to vote Republican this year. I wish your postcard would have arrived earlier — I’ve already voted! And I’m worried you’re not going to approve because I actually voted for some Democrats.
I voted for some Republicans also. So hopefully we can still kind of be friends.
But what I really wish, cuz, is that I would have sent you a postcard before you sent me mine!
Let me tell you why. You’ve told me to vote Republican because you’re concerned with “higher taxes, wasteful spending, and a weak national defense.” You said it would be important to vote Republican in order to “defend the institution of marriage, protect the sanctity of life, and strengthen the family at home.” You said we need to “rebuild our economy” and “defeat the violent radical jihadists who are bent on destroying our country.” You said “our common values are under attack.”
But, Mitt, do I have news for you! It’s good news, in fact. There are all sorts of Democrats here in Utah who share these common values you talk about! In fact, one of them is a fourth cousin of yours, Don Jarvis. Jarvis and others are Democrats, but they are concerned with all of these things you talk about. But they’re also concerned with some of the problems with the ultra-conservative Utah legislature and how they have been neglectful of our public schools and of passing ethics reform laws for legislators (you didn’t mention these things, though — because of print space, I’m sure).
This is all my fault, Mitt. I assumed you already knew this. Man, what are people going to think now? (After all, it looks like you sent the same letter to just about every registered voter in Utah. No offense Mitt, but I can tell a form letter when I see one.) Utah voters might think that you’re kind of out of touch with Utah politics. After all, you live in Massachusetts where you’re surrounded by those crazy liberals. Here in Utah, though, there are many good and wonderful Democrats who share the common values that you mentioned in your postcard.
Let’s hope that people think that you were naive (which again, I take the full blame for). This judgment will be much better than if people think you are being dishonest — that you actually know that there are Utah Democrats who stand for these same values (many of which are part of our Latter-day Saint family) but that you would pretend that this is not the case. Mitt, forgive me for even thinking this! You surely didn’t know that people might see your letter as saying that those who are not Republican — or voting Republican — in Utah are fighting against the common values that you and I share. Surely, had you known that the political situation was more complicated here, you would have encouraged Utah voters to study out the candidates and the issues and vote for the best person.
Or perhaps worse of all, voters might fully believe what you are saying and then vote straight-Republican even though that’s not what’s best. You do have a lot of influence here, you know. Surely, had you realized the situation here, you would have reached out to empower voters through knowledge rather than try to manipulate them through propaganda (again, my fault).
I’m sure, Mitt, that you didn’t mean to offend or to manipulate.
I’ll take the blame on this one.

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