Welcome one and all to an irregular installment of my irregularly irregular collection of the very best of all things mind, soul, and body on the internet (That I could find, anyway). Today I have Mormons and basketball, Pygmy Tarsiers, Mogwai, kilobunnies and kilorats, the spirituality of chess, and husbands in the doghouse to help heal your social phobia, ADHD, Bipolar, Depression, amnesia, self harm, or whatever else it is you are in need of. So here is all I got…
Regarding the Mind-
At Social Anxiety Disorder and Everyday Life, shy and quiet does what he does best, sharing a snapshot of exactly what it means to have true social anxiety disorder in an accessible and very hopeful manner.
At Musings of a Distractible Mind, Dr. Rob describes the secret of how he got into and survived medical school despite ADHD, and how on the job, it even helps him thrive.
C. E. Shaffin’s blog shares the key to understanding both bipolar disorder and the good doctor’s cryptic mood ratings referenced throughout his posts, explaining the etiology and meaning of his wonderful Kilobunny and Kilorat scale.
Regarding the Soul-
At Mormon Mentality, Jeff Bennion shares a marvelous quote from Neil A. Maxwell, a brilliant apostle in the LDS church who is no longer with us, along with the ideas of of another Neil (Postman), an American author and cultural critic, about society, families, ideas, and information as an ecology in themselves, to synthesize some really moving insights into our families and the interconnectedness of all things, ending with a surprising revolutionary call urging us all to become loving Luddites, technology and modernity resistance fighters.
In the same vein, at Mormon Insights, S. Faux shares some of the exact same lessons, among others taught to him by the game of chess. Checkmate, my Friend, well played.
Laura, the Depressed (But Not Unhappy) Mormon Mommy, has unfortunately actually been unhappy of late. I was very happy to hear her share a very personal gift of spiritual grace given to her in her hour of suffering, that I think gives a message of hope to depression sufferers everywhere, along with a little more glory in our infirmities.
Regarding the Body-
At MindHacks, Vaughan sounds a note of appreciation for the late Henry G. Molaison, a landmark patient in the history of neurosurgery and neurology in understanding the workings of memory in the brain. Henry was an epileptic who suffered seizures so bad he underwent pioneering neurosurgery in 1953 that unfortunately cut out the machinery used for us to form new memories.
The Neurocritic tries to clear some misconceptions about teens and self harm, stirred up in a press release by the Radiological Society of North America regarding their newly coined term, self embedding disorder, along the way shows some striking X-rays of what some very disturbed people can do to themselves.
At Neurophilosophy, Mo shares a fascinating case report of a patient with vivid emotions triggered by touch and different textures, in a strange case of tactile-emotional synesthesia.
or All the Above-
The Situationist Staff share a sobering look at research revealing that poverty may actually stunt brain development by creating an understimulating environment, with a look into research aimed at remedying the situation. Here’s hoping.
At Marine Snow, Lola takes a deep look at the emotions that lie behind anorexia, and giving them up by becoming unspecial.
At the Juvenile Instructor, Matt B., shares the most brilliant social commentary on the relationship between Mormondom, class, race, and the Utah Jazz that has been or will ever be written, in a post that resonates entirely with the rabid old school Jazz fan in me, home grown right in the midst of the Mormon Corridor.
I think Bioethicists are probably the theologians of medicine. At the Bioethics Discussion Blog, Dr. Steven Miles brings a stark dose of perspective in an excellent Thanksgiving message for those caught up in arguing about sperm from dead guys or angels dancing on the head of a pin.
and just because I Liked it-
Edwin Leap, MD shares some of his characteristic wit and wisdom as he makes notes of the many, many lessons we can all learn from those who end up in the ER.
In my Christmas shopping adventures, a new marketing campaign at J. C. Penney’s had me explaining in vivid detail to my children, my son especially, exactly how Christmas can cause a man to end up “in the doghouse.” For all those with sons who will someday be men, here is the lesson summed up in hysterical viral marketing video format. (hat-tip Dr. Val)
Zooillogix investigates the claim that the pygmy Tarsier is the lone species in existence in its scientifically classified family, taking a look at the diverse group of mythical creatures that are obviously Tarsier cousins. For me the most obvious is the Mogwai. Please remember never to get your pygmy tarsier wet and whatever you do, never ever EVER, feed it after midnight.
That is all I got for now. More posts will come as they strike. My compulsive guilt has been relieved as I have learned the power of slow blogging. I am coming out of my self imposed blogging hiatus slowly, more healthily, and in a manner I hope my all three or you regular readers can appreciate. Thanks so much.
Tagged: ADHD, amnesia, anorexia, basketball, bioethics, bipolar disorder, blessing, community, development, ecology, emotions, environment, gremlins, healing, humor, marriage, memory, mogwai, mormon culture, neurosugery, poverty, priesthood, pygmy tarsier, self harm, social anxiety disorder, synesthesia, thanksgiving, Theology, Utah, Utah JazzContinue reading at the original source →