Then I met Deborah Pace Rowley, whose most recent book, The Miracle of the Wooden Shoes, is beautifully illustrated and inspired by the story of her father (or was it grandfather?). She's very eloquent and kindly shared some of her experiences in writing this book. Was glad to buy a couple more gifts and also got another of her books, Family Home Evening for Newlyweds, for some newlyweds to be in my life.
This was a win/win visit. I met some delightful authors of LDS books and got some good gifts, while Deseret Book nabbed a big chunk of my Christmas budget. Ah, the curse and blessing of impulse buying.
I'll have more to say about these books once I've had a chance to read them. But they look great - and I know enough to be confident in giving them as Christmas gifts to some family members.
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