Don't you just love the creative and easy ways, that some very talented members of the Church, are helping us to share the Gospel with our friends! One of the first things that we should do, as soon as one of our friends shows a little interest in learning more about the LDS Church (besides sharing a Book of Mormon with them) is invite them to a Mormon Church Service. To you and I, this may not seem like such a big deal.
Here' a great way to invite your friends, who may be a little bit apprehensive about attending a Mormon Church Service, to come with you. In these situations, some of their reservations about going to Church with you, could simply be that they just don't know what to expect! After all, they have most likely heard that we ARE a peculiar people. I'm mean, look at YOU! LOL
Consider sending via email, this simple video Attending a Mormon Church Service. It's really well done, and will explain everything to your investigator in "plain English". After watching this video, your friends will likely be much more positive and comfortable going to Church with you.
The most important part about inviting our friends to come to a Mormon Church Service, is preparation. The more our friends know what to expect when they come with us, the better chances are, that they will have a positive experience when they do come.
The more comfortable they are in our meetinghouses, the more likely the Spirit can touch their hearts.
Find A Mormon Church
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-Saints
Kathryn Skaggs
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