I've been utilizing various means of Social Media for nearly two years now, to help share the gospel, on the Internet. I really enjoy it! I write on Hubpages. I Twitter. I have a profile on Facebook. I Mixx. I Digg. I'm on FriendFeed. I Stumble. I blog. I could go on and on...
I get really excited when I hear that something that I have been involved with, is actually noticed by the big guys in Salt Lake. You know what I mean, right? Folks like the LDS Newsroom, Mormon Times and Deseret News - just to name a few. Some of you might remember the first talk that Elder Ballard gave, where his now famous talk at the BYU Hawaii graduation -- about getting involved online, and sharing the gospel through "small conversations" was given. The few of us that were already out there DOING IT -- totally shouted for joy! Am I right? It was a great day!
Since then, the momentum has really picked up - and more and more average members of the Church, just like me - are out there doing it, too.
Thinking back to about two years ago, prior to all the amazing upgrades to official LDS websites, such as LDS.org and Mormons.org - there really wasn't a whole lot of tools to help members accomplish this great effort. Since then, the Church has really stepped things up. I now feel bad, that I ever murmured about the lack of credible information to access, online.
The LDS Church is really starting to get the hang of Social Media. You can find an official presence on Twitter, Facebook and even YouTube! And speaking of YouTube and videos - what has prompted this particular blog post is the HOT NEWS that a recent video distributed through the LDS Newsroom and Mormon Messages (their YouTube channel) has hit the TOP OF THE CHARTS for viral videos, just over this last weekend.
HOT VIDEO: An Apostle's Easter Thoughts on Christ
Traffic began to build immediately. Mormons spontaneously posted the YouTube video on Facebook, discussed it on Twitter and sent it by e-mail to thousands of others, including their friends. By Saturday, the number of views passed 100,000 and kept climbing. By Sunday, it was noted as the number 1 video in the Internet “nonprofit” category in Brazil, India and other countries.
Now, how COOL is that? And all it took, was me and you - sharing around just a little bit. I can't help but think of the scripture... that by small and simple things, shall great things be brought to pass! (paraphrased) But it is TRUE! The more you and I do our part to share what the Church is doing so well -- the MORE influence for GOOD that we can have on the Internet. That's our job you know:-)
Read the full story over at the LDS Newsroom Mormon Apostle's Easter Message Becomes Top Viral Video
Kathryn Skaggs
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