I share the same sentiments as Brad, over on By Common Consent, in that "Mormonism lost a spiritual and intellectual giant this morning".
I thank him for this beautiful, yet brief, tribute to Truman G. Madsen:
"Truman Madsen was a respected and influential philosopher, professor, and writer. His wildly popular lectures on the life of the Prophet Joseph Smith have achieved near canonical status for millions of Church members over the decades. He served as a full time missionary in the New England Mission, and later as a mission president over the same mission. He later served as director of the BYU Jerusalem Center, and at the time of his passing was serving as patriarch in his stake. He earned a PhD from Harvard University and, at BYU, held the Richard L. Evans Chair of Religious Understanding. The power of his ideas and writings — including his famous Four Essays on Love — were only surpassed by the appeal of his personality. His influence on the faith and understanding of Latter-day Saints was profoundly positive and far-reaching."
Those who have heard the teachings of Truman Madsen on topics such as the Prophets of God, have gained a greater testimony of the hand of God, in these men's lives.
Many of us owe a greater understanding of temple symbolism, because of the teachings of Truman Madsen.
Oh how Brother Madsen loved the Savior, and taught us to greater understand His teachings.
The passing of Truman Madsen, is a great temporal loss, to many of us - but the words which he wrote and audibly spoke in teaching and testifying of eternal truths - will continue to benefit generations to come.
And his "voice", his marvelous voice by which he taught... UNFORGETTABLE!
God be with you till we meet again....
Kathryn Skaggs
Read More on Mormon Times: Truman G. Madsen, LDS author and scholar, died Thursday
Read: LDS Living
Just a thought: @ByCommonConsent posted this question on Twitter:
WHO has done more for the popularization of Mormon Studies than Truman Madsen?
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