I’ve mentioned previously some good resources in overcoming pornography. Today’s post highlights the Church’s Addiction Recovery Program for alcohol, drugs, tobacco, coffee, tea, pornography, inappropriate sexual behavior, gambling, codependency, and eating disorders.
The program is an LDS adaptation of traditional 12-step programs that have been used successfully for years. LDS Family Services runs these groups to assist individuals who desire freedom from addiction and a better life through gospel fellowship. The 60-90-minute meetings are free and confidential. Experienced group leaders create a safe environment where participants can encourage one another and implement gospel principles in their efforts to recover and heal.
The manual used in the program provides the following introduction:
“Whether you yourself struggle with addiction or associate with someone who does, this guide can be a blessing in your life. The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous have been adapted into a framework of the doctrines, principles, and beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are presented in this guide as key principles at the beginning of each section. This guide will help you learn how to apply these key principles; they can change your life…
“Church leaders and counseling professionals have also been involved in writing and developing this guide. The combined wisdom and experience of these many authors stands as yet another witness of the reality of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the possibility of recovery from addiction.”
The guide includes quotes from general authorities, scriptures, and lots of questions to ask yourself. You can download a free copy of the Addiction Recovery guide in PDF format in 13 languages, order it online, or get one from your local Distribution Center. It is intended to be a workbook and reference for those attending addiction recovery support groups sponsored by LDS Family Services (see this list of addiction recovery support groups to find the one nearest you), but it can also be used by those who are not near a support group who are willing to work one-on-one with a bishop or a professional counselor. It can also be used as a great study manual even if you don’t have any addictions.
The 12 steps/principles that are taught are:
- Honesty
- Hope
- Trust in God
- Truth
- Confession
- Change of Heart
- Humility
- Seeking Forgiveness
- Restitution and Reconciliation
- Daily Accountability
- Personal Revelation
- Service
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