The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a program built around helping individuals recovery from addiction.  Properly named, it is the "Addiction Recovery Program" or ARP for short.  It is very effective, and is very similar to the Alcoholic's Anonymous 12 step program.  I was very impressed with its deep application of the atonement. I feel like it can and should be used by everyone, inside and outside the church, because we all have addictions and habits, in one form or another.  It is really just a program built to help us repent.  I liked the program so much, that I wrote a song that puts the steps in order:

Honesty, Hope, and Trust in God to Bless.
Discern the Truth, and Then I must Confess

A Change of Heart, Will Spark Humility,
To Seek Forgiveness, For Others and for Me.

Restitution, I will Find a Way.
And I'll Improve, by Accounting Every Day.

Personal Revelation, I Can See,
That Service Guarantees Recovery.

In order to get the full effect though, you need to sing it to the hymn:  The Wintry Day, Descending to Its Close # 37

Actually, the only way you can get the FULL effect is if I sing it, and we haven't figured out how to record it and put in on the blog....  But it is prettty sweet...  I guess you can hear it if you come to one of the sessions! Every Sunday at 6:00 P.M. at the Reading chapel! (3344 Reading Crest Ave.
Reading , PA   19605)  See you there!

-Elder Blackburn

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