A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned in a post on ancient Israelite religious reforms that Kevin Christensen had written a lot on that subject, but that the site that I was used to going to for links to his articles seemed to have some broken links. I was just recently made aware that all the links to Kevin Christensen’s many articles and papers covering this topic, including, especially, Old Testament scholar Margaret Barker’s research are now up and running — and all at one convenient, accessible location over at Howard Hopkins’ website, www.thinlyveiled.com. Christensen is an LDS author who is well known for his pioneering efforts to (successfully) introduce Margaret Barker’s writings to the LDS community and for demonstrating how her research is of great value to Mormon studies. For anyone who likes Margaret Barker, or for anyone who has any interest at all in the ancient temple, the place of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, how the prophecies of Joseph Smith fit in with biblical studies, and how this all relates to Mormon apologetics, I highly recommend you take a look at Kevin Christensen’s enlightening works (indeed, most probably have already, but they are always worth another look).
Plain and Precious Things Restored: Why Margaret Barker Matters
Plain and Precious Things Restored: Spiritual Blindness
Plain and Precious Things Restored: Margaret Barker and Josiah’s Reform
Plain and Precious Things Restored: Margaret Barker and Wisdom
Plain and Precious Things Restored: Margaret Barker and the Queen of Heaven
Plain and Precious Things Restored: Jesus and the Temple Tradition
Margaret Barker’s Understanding of Jesus Christ
Margaret Barker on Christmas: The Original Story
The Temple, the Monarchy, and Wisdom: Lehi’s World and the Scholarship of Margaret Barker
Nephi, Wisdom, and the Deuteronomist Reform
Jacob’s Connections to First Temple Traditions
The Deuteronomist De-Christianizing of the Old Testament
A Response to Paul Owen’s Comments on Margaret Barker
For a complete set of links to Kevin Christensen’s articles on Margaret Barker as well as related papers from other LDS authors, plus links to .PDF files, please see http://www.thinlyveiled.com/kchristensen.htm.
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