A few days ago, I began writing ideas about goals. It is relatively easy for me to make goals. But I find that I am not nearly as good at execution (that is, working the goal, accomplishing; not murdering, although that probably could be used to describe what has happened with some goals that I have made).
So, this series of ideas of about using goals more effectively is based not on my successes but more from the mistakes I have made. I hope that these ideas will help my goal setting and achieving for 2012, and perhaps these ideas will be of some benefit to someone else.
Where I work, as with many other companies, this time of year is when we do our year-end physical inventory. Every item in our warehouse has to be counted and tagged. The physical counts are then compared with the inventory in the system. In most cases, the system inventory is correct. But there are always some discrepancies to resolve. We sometimes find things that we didn’t know we had, or we realize that some things were missing that we thought were in inventory. In the end, everything is reconciled so that we have a true statement of the value of the company’s inventory.
It isn’t a perfect analogy, but as we approach the end of one year and the beginning of a new one, it is also a great time to take a personal inventory. I might ask myself questions like:
- What are my strengths? Am I utilizing them? How can I develop these strengths and gifts to build, uplift, and strengthen others?
- What are my weaknesses? What can I do to improve in these areas?
- In the eternal view, what are the things that matter most? How can I more consistently avoid distractions and choose the best things?
- What stewardships do I have, and how can I magnify them?
There are other similar questions, but I think a key part of making goals and resolutions is to first do an honest self assessment. I like this quote from Elder Wirthlin: “I urge you to examine your life. Determine where you are and what you need to do to be the kind of person you want to be. Create inspiring, noble, and righteous goals that fire your imagination and create excitement in your heart. And then keep your eye on them. Work consistently towards achieving them.”
Stay tuned for more ideas…..

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