Most Democrats are liberal.
In general,
Democrats tend to prefer more government involvement in fiscal issues, than social issues.
tend to distrust business more and expect government to keep it in line by
regulating it and curbing free market excesses. They protect jobs.
Democrats are
more likely to support antitrust measures and monitoring how business operates.
They may be more concerned than Republicans about things like government
addressing CEO salaries and if business appears to be cheating the consumer or
endangering safety and well-being.
On the flip
side, Democrats are more likely to assume that abortion is a personal choice,
that school prayer or other religious issues have no place in government run
schools and that it has no business telling someone that being gay is wrong.
Democrats envision an active government, they may enact measures to assure that
anyone considered different is protected by not allowing individuals or
organizations to discriminate against them.
action is necessary in order to help the family function better. This justifies
many of the social safety-net programs (like food stamps) that make up the
government’s public assistance network.
like the uniformity, and equality, of federal activity to the disparity produced
by differing state and local government actions.
tend to embrace a more expansive definition of “family” than Republicans.
Democrats are
more likely to limit gun rights.
Democrats see a larger role for government in society and the lives of
individuals, you’ll find them working for government in higher percentages than
Republicans. Most government employees are Democrats. This shouldn’t surprise
anyone. It is a natural result of their ideology.
believe that governmental activity protects our freedoms. In other words,
government acts so that we can be more free.
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