Did you know that you can look up mission boundaries on LDS Maps?
Find out where a mission is located for a missionary from your ward
- Log into LDS.org. (Sign In/Tools is at the top of any page on LDS.org. If you don’t have an LDS Account, you’ll need to create one.)
- Click Directory in the Tools menu to go to your ward/stake directory.
- Click Missionary at the bottom of the list on the left of the screen to see the missionaries from your ward.
- Click on a missionary’s name and it will bring up a map of their mission.
- You can click “View in LDS Maps” directly above the map to open an interactive map so you can zoom in and explore.
See mission boundaries throughout the world
- Click Maps in the Tools menu at the top of any page on LDS.org
- Click the Map Layers icon (the icon in the top right that looks like a stack of papers) and a pop-up window will appear that shows the possibilities you can see, such as Temples and FamilySearch Centers. If you are signed in, you will see two subheadings in this pop-up window: Facilities at the top and Boundaries at the bottom. Click on the subhead Boundaries to see the option for wards, stakes, missions, etc.
- Click Missions to see the boundaries of all the missions in the world.
- If you click once on the mission and wait a few seconds, you’ll see a pop-up window with the name and address of the mission.
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