In what ways was Esther a type of Christ?
Esther | Jesus Christ |
Esther grew up in obscurity. | Jesus grew up in obscurity. |
Esther was loved by the king more than all the women. | Of Jesus, Heavenly Father said, “Behold my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” |
Esther didn’t reveal her people or her family until the right time. | Christ didn’t reveal his divinity until his ministry. |
Esther’s kinsman Mordecai transgressed the commandment of the king and put all his people in danger of being slain. | Christ’s kinsman, Adam, transgressed the commandment of Heavenly Father and the fall of man resulted. |
Esther’s people were already sold to be slain, but she was in a position of safety. | All of us partook of the fall and would have been utterly lost unless something was done to reclaim us. Christ, however, was safe from all that, being innocent of sin. |
Esther’s women and her people fasted three days and three nights. | Christ’s disciples mourned during the time He was in the tomb. |
None could come into the presence of the king without being sent for except for Esther. | None but Jesus could make it back to the presence of God. |
Esther invited Haman to the banquets, yet eventually exposed him as the villain. | Christ suffers Satan to have ascendency in the world (as sometimes it appears that the wicked are favored), but will eventually cast him out. |
Esther pled for her people at the risk of her own life. | Christ gave His life for us and intercedes to God for us. |
Esther’s request was for the life of her people, which was granted. | Christ sacrifice makes it so that all men will be resurrected. |
Esther’s intercession earned the Jews the right to fight those who would try to slay them. | Christ’s intercession gave us the ability to resist temptation and depend on the Atonement for salvation. |
Esther says, “For how can I endure to see the evil that shall come unto my people? or how can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred?” (Esther 8:6). | This is the same sentiment that would lead Christ to sacrifice Himself for us. |
Above, we have pointed out that in some respects Mordecai was a type of Adam. However, from other perspectives, he also was a type of Christ.
Mordecai | Jesus Christ |
Mordecai’s lack of respect for Haman was seen as disobedience and threatening to the king’s command. | Jesus’ birth was considered threatening by King Herod when the wise men asked “Where is he who is born king of the Jews?” Also, Jesus refused to worship Satan when tempted. |
Mordecai’s humble role as gatekeeper | Jesus was a humble carpenter. |
Mordecai was hated by Haman, who planned to kill him by hanging him on a very high gibbet. | Jesus was hated by the high-ranking Jews, who planned to kill him. He was crucified by hanging on a tree up in the air. |
Mordecai’s rode through the city as an honor from the king. | Jesus had a triumphant entry to Jerusalem on the final week of his life. |
Mordecai triumphed over his enemies. | Jesus triumphed over the enemy death and hell through His resurrection and glorification. |
Mordecai gained more authority than he had previously and sealed dispatches with the king’s signet ring. | Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father, and uses “divine investiture of authority,” speaking as the Father. |
Mordecai sent swift messengers to every part of the kingdom to deliver the proclamation about the Jews’ salvation. | Jesus Christ sends missionaries to every part of the world to deliver the message of the gospel of salvation. |
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