Figuratively speaking, we want to flood the Internet highway with signs pointing to that building on the left - and fill it to brimming! We want to give the opportunity for anyone within the sound of the Lord's prophet, access to listen to him speak the words of Christ - if they so choose. And we want to do that one simple thing (our offering) that has the power to bring a great thing about - but most likely you'll never know about it.
Pick one tool, and use it to share General Conference, online. Can you imagine what could happen if every member of the Church, online, shared this information once? I can. Our collective offering would be viewed as a great act of faith, in the Lord, and His work. He would pour out His blessings by increasing our reach to more of His children.
Just one.
Let's start with this video invitation, my personal favorite -- that you can use to invite others to view the October 2013 General Conference to experience first-hand what it's like to hear modern-day prophets. As with all of these tools you can decide how and where you will share your favorite ones, online. (I've already posted it to my Facebook wall)
Pick one tool, and use it to share General Conference, online. Can you imagine what could happen if every member of the Church, online, shared this information once? I can. Our collective offering would be viewed as a great act of faith, in the Lord, and His work. He would pour out His blessings by increasing our reach to more of His children.
Just one.
Let's start with this video invitation, my personal favorite -- that you can use to invite others to view the October 2013 General Conference to experience first-hand what it's like to hear modern-day prophets. As with all of these tools you can decide how and where you will share your favorite ones, online. (I've already posted it to my Facebook wall)
Video: Come Listen to Living Prophets
You can either use the embedding code to post this video directly on your own blog, or you can share the video link directly on your favorite social network, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc... You could also share this video via email with friends and family.
Next, you might have noticed the cool 2013 General Conference widget on my right-hand sidebar. You can get one, too! This widget includes the above video, as wells as great information pertaining to General Conference, what it is, and the importance of living prophets. It's pretty darn awesome!
If you've got a blog, you definitely want to add the 2013 General Conference widget. Last but not least is a cool selection of beautiful designed blog buttons and banners, like the ones posted below -- that when clicked will take you directly to
Okay, so now that you see how cool my blog looks with all of these awesome new LDS social media tools, to help share and invite others to watch General Conference -- where and how will YOU use these leading up to the big event?
"In order for the messages of general conference to change our lives, we need to be willing to follow the counsel we hear. The Lord explained in a revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith “that when ye are assembled together ye shall instruct and edify each other, that ye may know … how to act upon the points of my law and commandment.” But knowing “how to act” isn’t enough. The Lord in the next verse said, “Ye shall bind yourselves to act in all holiness before me.” This willingness to take action on what we have learned opens the doors for marvelous blessings."Paul V. Johnson
Go HERE to grab all the links and necessary codes to start sharing General Conference, online, using these great social media tools!
Just one.
Kathryn Skaggs
Information: October 2013 LDS General ConferenceInformation for General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: This much anticipated meeting will be held in the LDS Conference Center, Salt Lake City, Utah. But, you can watch it online!
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