It is no secret that I have limited respect for historical research and analysis. I'll show you how mistakes get made and perpetuated.

In "Living history: LDS disapproval of alcohol was not always absolute," Pat Bagley makes two errors:
Grant never forgot or forgave the rogue Utah Legislature that very publicly thumbed its nose at his wishes and repealed prohibition in 1933.
Why is this obviously an error? Two reasons. First, a state ratifying convention was used to repeal prohibition, not state legislatures. This makes the 21st Amendment unique. This is the only time that method for ratifying amendments to the Constitution was ever used. The Amendment is also unique in that it is the only amendment that appealed a prior amendment.

Second, Heber J. Grant aimed his criticism at the LDS people, not Utah's legislature as I documented in a prior posting. So, in one sentence, Bagley makes two historical errors.

I don't think I'm going to read Mr. Bagley anymore. It is obvious, he isn't very careful. Perhaps he should stick with cartooning.

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