At last week’s seminar for LDS mission presidents, Elder Russell M. Nelson announced a few adjustments for more effective team work between missionaries and leaders.
“Missionary work should begin and end with our minds focused on the blessings of the holy temple,” he said. He then announced 4 adjustments to the teaching process, designed to offer more help for new members:
1. Missionaries will teach “Lesson 5: Laws and Ordinances” in Chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel both before and after baptism.
2. Mission presidents will actively teach and re-teach the Lord’s standard for baptism, as recorded in D&C 20:37.
3. When possible, missionaries will work closely with each new member for at least 3-4 months after baptism and continue to keep close to them for at least a year and hopefully for many years and even generations.
4. Missionaries will take the lead in re-teaching all five of the lessons in Preach My Gospel after baptism.
“…we want both converted missionaries and many baptisms. But, most of all, we want the grandchildren of your missionaries, and the grandchildren of those whom your missionaries baptize, to be endowed and sealed in the temple. We want multi-generational families of faith. God wants His children to return to Him, converted, endowed and sealed as families!”
Read more in the article “Adjustments made for more effective team work between missionaries and local leaders”
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