Today is the International Day of the Bible. We have the opportunity to join with other Christians to share our love for the Bible.
At noon, please share a favorite verse, a video, or thoughts related to the Bible on social media channels using the hashtag #BibleCelebration.
The following are some Bible-related resources on that might help you share your thoughts and feelings about this sacred book:
- Images from the Old Testament and New Testament
- Bible Videos website
- Bible Videos on Mormon Channel on YouTube
- The Blessings of Scripture video
-, a Church website about Jesus Christ’s life, mission, and teachings
- “What the Scriptures Mean to Me” video
- “That They Might Know Thee the Only True God” video
- Bible Videos DVD, a compilation of 50 videos about the Savior’s life and teachings from the four Gospels (available online at or in LDS bookstores)
Related links:
- Read “6 Ways to Get Your Kids Interested in the Bible.”
- Read “The Miracle of the Holy Bible,” by Elder M. Russell Ballard.
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