meeting-timesIf your ward or branch meeting times change at the beginning of the year, the ward or branch clerk should update the times so they display accurately in various systems, such as the meetinghouse locator at

A leader or clerk should log in to the Leader and Clerk Resources website at and click the Unit Settings link in the Other menu to update the meeting times.

Alternatively, you can update the meeting times in MLS:

  1. On the MLS menu bar, click Edit.
  2. Click System Options.
  3. Click Unit on the screen that appears.
  4. In the Meeting Times section of the screen, click Edit.
  5. Update the times, and click Save.

Using either method will make the needed changes.

Note: In MLS, you can choose a date to be reminded to update your meeting times. Then, when you login to MLS after that date arrives, a pop-up box appears to remind you to change the meeting times.

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