lds-mormon-pioneer-lifeThe Bible and the Book of Mormon teach that the marriage of one man to one woman is God’s standard. However, during specific periods in the Bible, in the Book of Mormon, and in early Church history (in the 1800s), God commanded some men to have multiple wives.

Here are resources from the Church to help you understand the practice of polygamy:

Below are two videos created by members that also may be helpful.

The website (not from the Church) has just created the video “Why Did Mormons Have Multiple Wives (Polygamy)?” that explains that Latter-day Saints practiced polygamy (also known as plural marriage) for about 50 years during the nineteenth century.

The video, “What Mormons Believe: Polygamy,” was created by Jolie Hales as part of her What Mormons Believe video series to help people understand questions about the Church.

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