lds-general-conference-ldsconfLDS General Conference may be one of the best ways to introduce your friends to the Church. This article provides references to help you explain to others what general conference is all about and to invite them to watch the upcoming general conference. Below are images provided by the Church to share on your social media accounts.

Saturday, September 24, 2016
General Women’s Session (6:00 p.m.) for women, young women, and girls eight years of age and older

Saturday, October 1, 2016
Saturday Morning Session (10:00 a.m.) for everyone
Saturday Afternoon Session (2:00 p.m.) for everyone
General Priesthood Session (6:00 p.m.) for men and young men 12 years of age and older

Sunday, October 2, 2016
Sunday Morning Session (10:00 a.m.) for everyone
Sunday Afternoon Session (2:00 p.m.) for everyone

What is LDS General Conference?

Invite Others to Watch General Conference

Cover image for Facebook:



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