Saturday Morning Session

President Nelson

Time for a home-centered church. Home church!  Supported by what happens in the meetinghouses.

I would love to have a sacrament at home.  Maybe on Christmas.  Maybe in the future.

Elder Cook

Really tying in all the recent changes together: Honoring the Sabbath, strengthening quorums, ministering, home church . . . I like the idea of getting a lot of announcements out midweek via phone or email.  I will miss Priesthood Opening Exercises, though.

This new program reminds me of my dream of a family castle surrounded by orcs.

“Profound blessings.”

Elder Brough

Love the story of getting counselor name suggestions from his wife on vacation, and coming up with his least favorite person

Elder Bangerter

Strong traditions give kids strength.

This talk felt like it was just for me and my somewhat outre concerns.

Elder Rasband

Young singles fear commitment.

Young parents fear having children.

We fear not being chosen.  We fear being chosen.

“The gates of hell shall notprevail.””Fear not, little flock.”

Elder Bednar

Procedural details–the2-hour block–is not the point of home church.

Elder Oaks

Strong talk.  Secular experts and celebrities and scientists know jack all about the important truths in life (my words, not his).

Great lists of eternal truths.  Gender is eternal.  We are a missionary people.  Mortal life is sacred.  We oppose homogenizing differences between men and women.  We celebrate having children.  Great stuff about maleness and femaleness.  Don’t get flustered by opposition, its built in already.

Saturday Afternoon

Elder Soares

For some reason, this talk made me want better hymn singing in my ward.  Nothing I could put my finger on.

Elder Gong

Not the usual talk!  A celebration of creativity and the arts.  Modest talents put in the service of modest creation are wonderful

Brother Somebody

taking upon = taking on

Sunday Morning

Elder Ballard

Tender. Our history, his history, and death.

Sister Gordon

Ministering selfies, cute and droll.

Elder Holland

A lot of private inspiration for me in this talk.

Elder Anderson

Death and the wounded nursing the wounded

Sunday Afternoon

Elder Eyring

Treat people you meet as if they are in serious trouble, you will be right most of the time.

President Gay

Wrenching story about Brother Talmage in the home of the dying children.  Hard to hear.

This is serious business we are about.

Elder Renlund

On our own will never mean alone.

Brother Gerard

Daily lives bombarded by headlines.

We are consumed by bursts of information.

The world moves swiftly to alternate realities.

He analogizes it to the Great and Spacious Building.  One of our concerns and analogies too.  It gives me comfort that we are over the target, ladies and gentlemen.

Elder Stephenson

Ministering is literally the work of heaven.

President Nelson

If you take the invitation to home church seriously, ‘family changes will be dramatic and sustaining.’


Other Posts About the October 2018 General Conference

And don’t miss our friend Jaime Huston’s notes.

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