Soul came to the Dark Tower. Its gates were shut and Soul could not open them. Mocking laughter sounded from behind the gate, and Soul fled from the overwhelming sense of evil.
Soul wandered in a dark wilderness for many years. There Soul acquired Body, who could touch and hear and smell, Memory to remember, Mind to reason, and Heart to feel. By chance Soul came upon the Dark Tower again and once again tried to assault the gates in the strength of Body, Memory, Mind, and Heart. But Soul again failed and fled despairing.
Wandering more, Soul met others called Friend, Family, and Comrade. The four of them wandered together until in the gloom where they wandered they saw a sharp beam of brightest white piercing to where they were. They felt transformed just to see it. It moved and they followed where it led It brought them to the Dark Tower and stopped just short of the studded, looming gate where it shrunk and condensed into a blazing sword called Grace, or by others Repentance or Revelation.
Soul took up the sword and with his companions battered down the gate and took the entrance at the rush. They stormed into the Tower, slewing all the enemies they found there, and climbing the stairs, round and round, ever upward, until they came to the celestial regions and saw that the tower was no longer dark.
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