Behold, I say unto you that all old covenants have I caused to be done away in this thing; and this is a new and an everlasting covenant, even that which was from the beginning.
-thus the Lord, D&C 22:1.
I don’t fully grasp this verse. For one, there is the intriguing hint that old covenants may have had some lingering validity despite their apostasies. The way the Jewish high priest gets treated in the gospels and Acts.
Even more, what about the reference to a new covenant, which is also an everlasting covenant that has already been around. “This brand new car isn’t a billion years old. Its older than that.” Continuity is a theme around here. I suppose that sometimes continuity requires ending a failed effort and starting over again back at the basics. One might say that continual repentance is the true principle of continuity.
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