Are you absolutely disgusted with most people most of the time? Are you aggravated by their limitations, stupidities, and idiotic behavior? Are you sick to death of the dumb things everybody seems to do and say nearly all of the time?
If you answered yes to any of this, you have a problem. Yes, you!
This means you can't see them yet as Heavenly Father sees them. To do so you need help.
Here's some guidance: |
Elder Dale G. Renlund |
"... to effectively serve others we must see them through a parent’s eyes, through Heavenly Father’s eyes. Only then can we begin to comprehend the true worth of a soul. Only then can we sense the love that Heavenly Father has for all of His children." Through God’s Eyes By Elder Dale G. Renlund Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Accessed May 15, 2020 from¶=9-10#p9-10
Elder David A. Bednar |
"The highest type of discernment is that which perceives in others and uncovers for them their better natures, the good inherent within them. …" Quick to Observe By Elder David A. Bednar Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles From a devotional address given at Brigham Young University on May 10, 2005. Accessed May 15, 2020 from¶=33#p33
President Henry B. Eyring |
"I remember once a seven- or eight-year-old son of ours jumping on his bed hard enough that I thought it might break. I felt a flash of frustration, and I moved quickly to set my house in order. I grabbed my son by his little shoulders and lifted him up to where our eyes met.
The Spirit put words into my mind. It seemed a quiet voice, but it pierced to my heart: “You are holding a great person.” I gently set him back on the bed and apologized.
Now he has become the great man the Holy Ghost let me see 40 years ago. I am eternally grateful that the Lord rescued me from my unkind feelings by sending the Holy Ghost to let me see a child of God as He saw him." “My Peace I Leave with You” By President Henry B. Eyring First Counselor in the First Presidency. Access May 15, 2020 from¶=21-23#p21-23
Elder Peter M. Johnson |
After the meeting, as he took the missionaries home, Elder Johnson asked them what they saw as they looked at Katrisse and her children. The elders replied that they envisioned the family dressed in white for their baptism.
Then they asked Elder Johnson what he saw.
“Elders, I see Katrisse with her children being endowed with power in the house of the Lord, kneeling at the altar to be sealed for time and for all eternity,” he answered. “I see the children serving missions. I see the circle of poverty being broken as these wonderful children of the Lord receive college degrees and advanced training that enables them to pursue careers that provide financial stability. Oh, elders, I see so much more than a family being baptized.”
With this expanded vision, “the missionaries stopped teaching lessons and began to teach Katrisse the things she needed to know and to do to hear Him so that she could envision what the Lord had in store for her and her family,” Elder Johnson said. Elder Johnson shares 3 ways to invite the Holy Ghost while ministering to ‘the one’ from a May 12, 2020 Devotional address for BYU-Idaho. Accessed May 15, 2020 from the Church News Report See for full text and address when posted.
Brother Douglas D. Holmes |
Seeing others as God does is a gift. I invite all of us to seek for this gift. Deep in Our Heart By Douglas D. Holmes.Recently Released First Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency. Accessed May 13, 2020 from¶=7#p7
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