I’m reading a trash novel right now.  The Hero leads a band of faceless peasants through hordes and hordes of orcs/zombies/monsters, hack, hack, slash.  Sometimes the peasants die.  But sometimes  a light turns on within, they become endowed with power, and they also become heroes, with names and character and participation in the story.

Your trash novel, the Spirit whispers, is truer to life than great novels.

Brigham Young:

that act alone will ensure C. Allen Huntington, George W. Grant, and David P. Kimball an everlasting salvation in the Celestial Kingdom of God, worlds without end.

So let us now speak of Tanner Lund.

Until a few days ago I didn’t know Tanner Lund.  Now I feel I do.  It is no small thing for a boy to overcome the world.



He overcame it bald-headed, shuffling, leaning on a pew.  Boylike, probably his shirt was badly tucked in.   In such a fashion was he armed and armored when he overcame the world.

Suffer the Tanner Lunds to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Let us pray for him.  Let us pray for his family left behind.  Let us pray for ourselves.   Should we not like to be fit for such exalted company?

The Hero shuffles down the aisle, the Spirit whispers.  You, my peasant, have been endowed with power.  Should you not like to be a hero too?


Other Posts from the October 2020 General Conference

Marilyn Nielson Unity, trials, and “redoubling”

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